
I never put it on the lower lid. That's all I have to offer.

Bronzer is something I can never apply correctly. Of course I'm the type of person who spends ten minutes on my makeup . I think some of these products are for real makeup enthusiasts.

uh, that's sort of how it already works.....

I think there was a French-language dating site in Quebec where only women were allowed to ask men out on dates. Obviously not good for homosexual people, and it's not impossible for women to be creeps, but it probably would be nice to have that as an option among other different flavors of dating sites.

there should be a dating app that requires people to get approved by someone's parents or authorized friends first before sending an invite.

Yeah, that double major in biology and psychology did me no good at all.... except get me into medical school.

Studied English and Women's Studies; make six figures working for a company that changes kids' lives. (And I don't even have a masters!) Thanks for being super judgmental, though!

They aren't "useless subjects". Psychologists save people's lives, sociologists can help make sense of social trends and patterns (including wage gaps), women's studies can help people understand our social systems, and how it benefits and disadvantages people, and how those things can be changed to make people's

Same goes for female hockey fans :)

Ahhhh, a double reference! Nicely done, molecular gastrogenius.

The entire article left a bad taste in my mouth, and that's just putting it nicely.

Both of y'all need to just bow down to crepes. For real.

Yeah, can you imagine the angst as you sip fruity cocktails under your palapa, softly caressed by the sultry ocean breeze? What if you have to get a 2-hour couples massage? Quelle horreur!

It's his business, not yours. If he wants to decline, he will.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with pepper spray.


Cosigning this as someone who worked in property management. Baby wipes were the bane of our existence. They caused at least one major plumbing problem at least once a week, especially in our older buildings. Don't flush your baby wipes and don't argue that they're "flushable" when your landlord says that the building

idris elba for all roles.