I thought of doing that but I don't want to make it complicated for them. In many ways, asking someone to hunt down a dress in a specific color and length seems too ridiculously time consuming.
I thought of doing that but I don't want to make it complicated for them. In many ways, asking someone to hunt down a dress in a specific color and length seems too ridiculously time consuming.
Agree completely. We are grown ups, not children. And if you are friends, you should be able to be open and honest.
This is the situation that I am encountering. I am getting married next Spring in another country where my family is from. I feel ridiculously uncomfortable choosing bridesmaids, namely because a lot of my friends are just getting their bearings and may not be able to afford traveling abroad and getting a specific…
This woman just turned around and left. Forgot to mention that very important part of the story!! She just turned around and poof! Out the door. If this woman was a performance artist, I would not be surprised!
When media stops reposting it in this way. They get attention for it, and we all click and comment on it, which makes it more attractive for sites to even post about it in the first place. (and yes, I am aware of the irony of writing this right now :-) )
I like this idea, and would love to see it as a project. That being said, these guys may not be the jerks who catcall, but they serve well to show how harassment victims can be picked at random by trolling strangers. In that sense this angle works well - these are just normal guys doing their thing, as often is the…
But they are fake blondes - does that count?
That sounds like my mom. She tries to be nice, and granted there is a cultural divide, but I always feel like being extra nice to shopkeepers and waiters because of that.
Or when the new season things come in and people would enter and say "when is this going on sale?"
I worked at a semi-upscale Madison Ave boutique, and I will never forget this situation without laughing. It was somewhat busy and this completely stick thin, plastic surgery overkill woman comes in and, without hesitating one second, screams "CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME?" Nope. Sorry, but I cannot offer you the help that…
Oh yes, this. I worked in a semi-high end boutique in the UES for years. People would come up while we were clearly closed (some lights off, vacuuming, counting cash) and knock on the door. Our hours were posted on the door at eye level.
Very much appreciated. I've jumped feet first into working out, which I have found oddly relaxing. This just sucks.
Guys, can I haz some life advice please? I've been having a really tough time as of late and my depression has come back full force. IT SUCKS.
Here goes. Had been dating Mr C for a few months and he had not met my parents. I had just come back from Christmas break with my Mom, in which she had promised to give me my dream - the Red KitchenAid. I get back to the apartment before my roomies and proceed to have a rather successful date with Mr C.
Oh man this is perfect. Mr C took this picture of the same church a few years back.
I couldn't even finish the trailer because of that! And the ultra futuristic aesthetic. Jeff Bridges though = perfect for the Giver.
Colombian here. Please remember it is ColOmbia not ColUmbia. Even in English, the official spelling is with the O. It comes from the Spanish spelling of Christopher Columbus' name (Cristobal Colón).
so... when is the next round?!
Alright alright alright... but some of these just seem too obvious! Margaritas vs Rubbing Alcohol? Rubbing Alcohol! Caffeine vs Glue? C'mon... you all know it is Glue!
Actually, yes, I was a film student, and had to watch his films. I also studied film before "knowing" Dylan, and formed my judgments on his films during that time period. But thanks for making judgments on me without knowing me!