Just the Middlewoman

I'm not sure if it was her kissing a woman that felt jarring too me as much as the way the show presented it, if that makes sense? I feel like we're supposed to be shocked or alarmed by most of Sarah's behavior in this episode, especially considering the Beth parallels. If Sarah had ever expressed interest in women

Maybe the writers assume we already know because Neolution was introduced in season 1? But it would still help to give them (and the individual characters) a clearer motivation.

I like these reviews, even though I don't really agree with the lukewarm reaction to this season. I think season 1 and probably 2 were a lot stronger, but I really like this season and think it is a step up from 3 (and I liked season 3).
I think some of it was a bit contrived, but overall it was a pretty good episode.

Even if he turns out to be a double agent or something (it seems too much like a ''wtf'' cliffhanger to not have some kind explanation that we either can't or are not supposed to guess, right? Right?) going ''lol, this character who was created as a symbol AGAINST nazis is now a nazi, so edgy'' seems in bad taste. Not

I adored this episode and I am sure it will stay in my mind for quite a while.
I get that some are annoyed by the fact that all the other storylines were dropped, but I think this story would not have the same effect if they had to leave it and come back to it throughout an episode. The episode being (almost entirely)

I don't know about her not being mentally ill. Her depression was gone rather quickly, yes (although mostly in the sense that she had to be ready to be an active part of the story again). Her trauma is still a big part of her character, though. It's arguably underdeveloped, that's true.

I disagree that the fact that it's not incredibly realistic makes it a nonsensical statement. Dr Sewards statements are a bit generic, but the complexity a real treatment takes would probably not make it into most tv shows. For me, it's pretty good to see that the thought of Vanessa seeking out help is a good thing.

I almost hope his death is completely unrelated - it would be nice if she could have a few good things in her life that don't get ruined. It wouldn't surprise me, though…

Thanks for the reply! This is pretty much the impression I'm getting from all the responses so I'll definitely give it a chance.

You might be right… although now I am kind of curious what kind of horrible, shoe-related betrayal you have suffered in your life to hold such a strong conviction on this matter.

Thanks for the recommendation! I've actually been meaning to watch it (but that goes for a lot of shows. A LOT.).

Thanks! I'll probably watch it but it's not really on the top of my To Watch/Finish list anymore (unlike season 2).

OK, I give up. I am confused. Is this a very clever joke or reference I am not getting? Are you disagreeing with me? Do you tell peoples fortunes based on AV club comments?
I'm not being mean I promise I'm sincerely confused (and I feel a bit silly because I am sure it's something really obvious).

True. They work (in my opinion) pretty well to show us how much the clone club is up against, and as a way for the show to explore different thematic aspects and dilemmas surrounding cloning, physical agency, etc. They usually don't stick around long enough to become developed, intimidating antagonists and compelling

Yeah, that was why I waited until the season was finished to decide if I would watch it or not. I'm fine watching a season that I know will be slightly disappointing, because then everything I like about it will be a nice surprise. Watching a frustrating season and hoping each week that it will get better… eh. I'd

C+?? I thought it was incredibly engaging, even if some parts of it don't hold up that well and could collapse completely if the season doesn't give us something… well, more. OK, I can see the problems, in theory. Some of the reveals here really need some more explanation, but I don't think there as plothole-y as this

I laughed because when I heard there might still be one or two new Castors out there after season 3, I too thought there would be a love interest for Felix . The problem is that Felix is too good for every Castor we have seen so far.
(Maybe there's a nice, unaware gay or bi Castor clone out there somewhere, working as

So, this season is still worth it? I still need to finish season 2 (which I am definitely going to do because it is great) but everything about the characterization issues this season made me hesitant to watch it. Lexa's death did not help either. I skimmed some of the reviews because I don't mind spoilers when

Oh, that's fine, it wasn't very clear. My first thought at the beginning of the scene actually was something like ''well, isn't this going a bit far?'' and then they explained who he was and it changed into ''you totally deserve to murder that guy, Justine. Go stab the hell out of him baby''. I feel oddly protective

- Honestly as long as scary murder and world domination plans are the main part of the conversation, I'll allow it.
- Dorian is pretty much in for anything that is new and interesting in his long life, I think. Or anyone that can keep his attention for more than 5 minutes. The motivation is clear to me, I'm just a bit