Just the Middlewoman

Just saw it yesterday. Very good film. I think it's likely to suffer a bit from it's reputation as a shockingly gross/disturbing movie though - I can imagine it is when you don't know what to expect, but if you've read a few things about it and go in prepared it's nothing you haven't seen before, gore-wise. If you

I really liked it. It feels like such a cliché to say ''the book was better'', but I really think most of that has to do with the writing. Patrick Ness is an excellent writer - of novels that is. I don't think he has quite the same grasp on what does and does not work in scripts. Not that it is bad, some quotes and

I saw the trailer for this when I went to see Rogue One and Nocturnal Animals, I remember thinking ''this is either going to be dumb fun or a complete mess''. Well, I guess we know which of the two it is now. The weirdest thing is that the trailers show NOTHING of the actual plot? It just seems like two people

Eh. I agree with the fact that you cannot expect everyone to know and understand every possible gender identity out there. I think it might have been smarter for them to just have people write/fill in their gender, that might be less confusing for everyone involved. I mean, if you need the option, you can just fill it

This is such a strange attitude in my opinion, especially when you are writing about certain issues that you simply don't experience. You don't even have to hire a writer from every group of people ever, but you could just… read a lot of articles written by those people about the topic and the way it is represented in

First of all, let's just put on end to the controversy forever (not that you can ever stop people on the internet from shouting at each other, but I can dream):
Is someone telling you they disliked the movie because they don't like Feig's type of comedy/thought the plot didn't work/it relied on special effects too

I recently watched ''Aaltra'' and was pleasantly surprised. I laughed out loud quite a few times and would probably nominate it for this list, but I'm not surprised a French language Belgian film from 2004 didn't make it. Still, I recommend it to people who like odd, dark-ish comedies and deadpan humor.

Me, before watching the short: ''It's not even three minutes long, how bad can it be?''

The book is one of my favorites and if you're only going to read one
children's book a year I highly recommend this one. Still not sure about
the movie though.
Knowing Ness wrote the screenplay makes me feel a bit more optimistic, and there are some bits of the trailer I really like (the story/dream-esque sequences

Exactly! I almost hope that's what happened, because if this is truly the third season he had planned, that is some of the weirdest (and probably worst) long-term plotting I have seen in a while.

So, that was… weird. Well, this show is always weird, but usually it's in a good way.
It seems to be a pretty divisive episode. I can't say I liked it much. Oh, there were some fantastic moments - and even when I found myself thinking ''this is it?? really?'' more and more throughout the episodes, I was always

I didn't get the negative reaction from characters or fans, but I was just sort of… indifferent? Sometimes I found him annoying, sometimes entertaining, after his suicide attempt felt sorry for him - but I never found him that interesting. So it's more like the finale cemented him as a character I am actually looking

While I like the idea of her getting something cool and science-y named after her, I still hope she survives. She's had enough tragedy (granted, this could be said for a lot of characters, but I still feel like Cosima being in constant danger of dying throughout the show and then finally finding a cure only to have

I'd like more episodes, but I don't know if I can watch any more written by Carter. I know he's the showrunner and the creator, and he wrote some great episodes earlier in the show's run but it just seems like somewhere in season 5 he went ''editing? rewrites? who NEEDS that stuff, my first drafts are AMAZING.''

I thought they already announced that the fifth season would be the final season last year? Maybe it wasn't sure then. I don't mind. Well, I mind in the sense that I want ten more seasons, even if it's just ten seasons of watching 20 Maslanys play board games or watch movies together. Having said that, it's probably

I said it in another comment but my current (and probably inaccurate) prediction is that he will die of his illness, and the mother will want John Clare to take him to Victor so he can be brought back. John Clare doesn't want this for obvious reasons.
Not that I don't think most people would be incredibly happy to

Either that, or if she doesn't show any murderous tendencies in the fifteen minutes, he decides it must have been a success and he can safely try it out on himself. Who needs to worry about long-term effects? Victor doesn't seem to. Did they just… let that test subject guy go, or is he still in Bedlam?

Thought this was a step up from the last two episodes. If I am correct, the previous two are the only ones this season not written by John Logan. Seems like he, at least for me, is the one who understands how to balance this show's inherent ridiculous over the top-ness with smaller moments and bigger themes. There

Yes! I was so ready to get angry about Rachel's character development being thrown away like that. Then she started asking about the euthanasia and I thought ''oh, wait, this makes more sense''. I think it's because I really like the way she has become a more nuanced and sometimes even sympathetic character, without

I don't know, I feel like the only thing that REALLY has to be resolved in the finale is that we need to find out how Delphine survived (and what did Krystal see?)
The other things are either small (the ''pressure'' Susan was under) and can be explained in one scene, or they are part of something bigger that will