Just the Middlewoman

Yeah, I really liked the scene where she contrasts her views with those of the suffragettes because it makes it very clear that she isn't an avatar for or critique of feminist/progressive views, she's supposed to be a morally gray antiheroine or anti-villian (a role that isn't very common for female characters yet, so

I know! Though, one of my best friends, who also loves the show, said Josh Thomas wasn't sure if/when he was going to write another season… :(
I hope we get at least one more! But until that happens, what we already have is fantastic and there is so much more stuff to watch (although I suspect most shows will be

I'm not sure if your comment was aiming at this, but just to be clear: the part about people being able to redeem themselves was more aimed at Lily's '''kill them all'' attitude rather than at that guy specifically. Irredeemable is absolutely the right word. I would say that he was almost over the top evil, but I have

I really enjoyed horrorstor, and I like stories about friendship (especially but not necessarily female friendship), so I'll be sure to pick this up somewhere during the summer. I read about it but I totally forgot it was coming out so soon, thanks for reminding me!

If this season stays this good it might end up being one of my favorite seasons of television of 2016, these episodes have been such a joy to watch. A disturbing, gory joy.

Honestly the fact that the show seems hellbent (heh, hell) on kicking down the high/low culture divide by blending every aspect of the horror genre it can get it's hands on is my favorite thing about it. Well, that, and Eva Green's acting. And Eva Green's face. Those are also very important elements.

I'm pretty sure many urban legends and folklore stories can be found online, so I'm just going to recommend some fun retellings that people might miss otherwise.

Yeah, I expected it would probably make sense in the source material. That's pretty cool. I don't think they ever referred to it in the show?
I hope that it was clear I totally knew that I was nitpicking, but occasionally it is just very amusing to me because the show often goes for this dark, serious tone. It sounds

I finished it early this year and I'm still not over how great the third season was.

Haha, that's understandable, it's a very important show.
Anyway, welcome to this corner of the internet!
(I feel weird saying that, since I only started commenting about… 2 or 3 months ago I think?).
Love the account name (obviously).

Not sure if I agree with the review, the episode had some flaws, but it was a lot of fun. Well, a lot of fun with some moments of heartbreak and some moments that will haunt my nightmares for the next few weeks. For me, episode 3 is still the weakest from this season so far. Having said that, I don't feel like I will

I was expecting it, but it still sucks. Sure, it was flawed but the setting and Atwells performance really made it stand out. Maybe it wasn't one of the best shows of the past few years, but in my opinion it was one of the most enjoyable and simply fun shows out there - and the relationship between Peggy and Jarvis

IT'S BACK. I'm so happy. I'll never stop being impressed at how the best episodes of this show excel at combining serious themes and character moments (handled in a way that, to be honest, some "grown up" dramas don't even come close to) with funny writing, while making full use of the freedom for both gorgeous

It's so silly but I can't even be annoyed. I am easily amused and the image of Dracula (in his scary, growly voice - bonus points if he actually has some kind of monstrous true form) declaring that his new human name is "Dr Sweet" is something I will cherish for quite some time.

At first I thought maybe he used some kind of hypnosis or mind control to convince everyone at the museum he'd worked there for years? Although, if they never explain it, I might be tempted to assume that Dracula didn't show up in season 2 because he spent all that time trying to get a job like an everyday person (it

Either that, or he shows up to see whatever mess everyone has gotten into this time, and immediately turns around in search of a nice faraway cabin in a remote village where he can read poetry and, most importantly, where people can walk to the closest shop/museum/cute tearoom without getting dragged into the dark

I actually spent most of this episode thinking ''well, he's a likeable, friendly man who makes Vanessa smile. Obviously he will either turn out to be some horrific monster or Dracula will eat him or something.'' For some reason I was completely convinced that the reason they didn't show Dracula in episode 1 was

I thought Susan only revealed she knew after they already discussed letting Charlotte die? But I could be remembering it wrong. As much as I would like for Rachel and Charlotte to develop a mother-daughter bond, that could also be interesting - and I wouldn't blame Charlotte for being reluctant to trust either of

It says ''moeder en tweelingdochters door door auto-ongeluk' (so for anyone who doesn't speak Dutch, it should be ''dood door'' meaning something like dead because of /death by/died in a car accident, now it means something like ''mother and daughters by by car accident''). I feel like the grammar/wording is a bit off

At first I also thought he meant the article! I was so confused and annoyed for a few seconds.