Just the Middlewoman

I thought this was a step up from last week, even if I didn't love it as much as the first two episodes. I think this show works best when it combines the somewhat contrived and occasionally repetitive plot (which I still find exciting and engaging, but not always the show's strongest point) with comedy and emotion,

I don't even know Patton Oswalt from anything apart from a few minor roles in tv shows, but I did read this and damn, that was one of the most devastating and beautiful things I have read recently. She sounds like a wonderful person and this is terrible.

I haven't commented on any on the previous reviews so I'm just going to ramble about the finale and the whole season for a bit. Overly long comment alert, I mean, really, ridiculously long. Longer than the review probably.

''I do think they've hinted at her having special qualities since Season 1''
They did! Or at least, I'm pretty sure they discussed how unusual it was that she had no serious injuries after being hit by a car. I actually might end up complaining more if it turns out there isn't some kind of explanation.

Thanks! I actually couldn't remember if Mark had survived season 3 or not. For someone who liked the Castor plot line more than most I sure am bad at remembering what happens to them…

This episode was not as good as the first two. It lacked the emotional core and the feeling of urgency that those had. Still, it was enjoyable. Next week's looks really good (although - what is up with the editing for the trailers this season? It's probably supposed to lend some intensity to the trailers but it's just

I think there are definitely some questionable poster designs out there, but these aren't particularly strong examples. I don't know if it's the selection made for the article, or the tumblr itself (probably both), but, like many pointed out, a lot of these are crappy, unknown movies, + The Graduate and Under The

Well, obviously, pop culture is completely free of political aspects, especially if you ignore them. Or, you know, people should just go to other websites to write about that kind of stuff, because it's not like culture and politics can be deeply intertwined or anything. They should be separated at all time, or all

Yay, Dutch netflix is putting the new episodes online the day after they aired! I can comment on this show* . It sure seems like we're off to a good start after an uneven season (and I liked season 3 a lot more than some did, there were a lot of episodes that I enjoyed on their own, but as a whole that season was kind

I do always think of Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter, but then again, I watched Silence of the Lambs after I watched the first season of Hannibal (I used to be quite a wuss when it came to horror or thrillers. Then the show happened to me). I can totally see why Hopkins made such an impact, though, and he works much

Thank you for the recommendation!

This is great! I mean, I've already seen the show because 1) internet and 2) I live in Europe so I also own series 1 and 2 on dvd. But I'm so happy at any chance this show gets to reach a wider audience. I think its one of the most compelling, well-made teen dramas out there (and just a great drama series), not to

I have not watched this show since season 2 (when, for me, ''cute entertaining nonsense'' became '''frustrating nonsense with the occasional cute moment'') so I'm just here to say WHAT?!?! I don't get this decision on any level. Well, if it's true Nicole Beharie wanted to leave, maybe - but a) I've heard conflicting

Thank you! I didn't know that about the GoT writers, that's nice to hear. I think constructive criticism and fan reaction aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, though - but it is difficult (especially for writers/showrunners I imagine) to figure out which criticisms are valid/useful and which to ignore. For example,

(This got really long, which I say at the beginning of almost every comment I write, maybe I should just change my disqus name to ''warning: writer of ridiculously long comments'')

I was going to say ''I don't have any really bad stories, except from
years ago'' and then I realized that years ago, I was a tiny teenager
(and I look young for my age), so that does not make it better at all.
And then I wrote half a novel. None of this is really bad, mind (except
maybe the last bit), but I think it

really bad at writing short comments)

(This got really long, I'm sorry!)

(I hope this makes sense because I have been writing an assignment all afternoon and my brain feels like it's already asleep.)

Well, this got way too long. Short summary: plot resolution bad, characters good, I hope this show comes back but I doubt it.