Just the Middlewoman

It was a bit predictable, but still a lot of fun. Terry's reactions to the Weird Sexual Tension plot were hilarious. The dog was adorable. The possum slightly less so (what is it with comedy and possums? Parks and rec, this, I also recall a not-so-lucky possum in the second season of Please Like Me. IT MEANS…

OK, fair enough, when not written on a personal blog or a review site specifically concerned with social issues, it should be a part of the review rather than the main focus. These issues might be important (well, to me, to quite a few people, obviously not everyone agrees), but any work of fiction consists of so much

Uhm. He is reviewing the episodes, he is just paying attention to certain elements that you don't care about. Which is fine I guess but don't pretend that the way certain people are treated in a story can't be something people should ever want to criticize.
For the record, I personally don't think fridging applies

Yeah, I do think it's understandable that a show would focus more on a main character, it sometimes bothers me how often this is completely forgotten or glossed over in discussions about fridging. I think it isn't so much about ''the female side characters who are important to a male main character can never come to

Personally, I don't think that the "killing a female character to help a male character's plot progression" definition is about accusations towards writers and more about criticism towards the(ir) writing, if that makes sense. Just like you would criticize characterization, plot, etc. I suppose you mean that the

(English is not my native language, please forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes).