See, I assumed they were happening at the same time: some poor woman unapologetically wank-sobbing.
SoulCycle, “disruptive,” and a picture of a dropped (thrown? rejected?) cupcake.
The whole thing is pink and orange and it never stops moving.
Can’t say I’m surprised. Best thing to keep your hair growing at its peak production is a very clean scalp. Any dermatologist will attest to this.
I was just thinking how my Vogue interview would sound. “She held a fried chicken sandwich in one hand, and applied ranch dressing to each bite before she took it. She wore her Peggy uniform: stained TOMS, a toe peeking out through one hole, a V-neck t-shirt, and skinny jeans with her toddler’s PlayDoh mashed into the…
But they were all wearing ballet flats so, while rude, it was also hauntingly elegant.
You know, when I finally sat down for my Vogue profile, security just immediately escorted me out of the building. Very rude.
I hate that, though; it implies that curvy women must be plus-sized, which isn’t really true. There are plus-sized woman that aren’t particularly curvy, and curvy women that aren’t particularly plus-sized.
Worse: I am an Edith. Who is under 40.
There are ways it could prevent that,...
They allow the same level of discrimination as any company or organization that is aware of a clients appearance and/or name... yeah. That’s a pretty big list.
I saw the headline and was so disappointed that it looked like AirBNB was being discriminatory... but it’s actually not AirBNB at all but rather the property owners.
Given that he combined his sobbing with incredulously asking the jury how they could possibly have found him guilty, I’m going to say there is absolutely zero chance he feels any remorse. His only regret is that he wasn’t allowed to serially rape vulnerable women with impunity.
Yup and it’s always a pity party of one. That guy isn’t crying over what he did to all those women, that guy is crying that he didn’t get away with it.
18...out of 36. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad he’s been found guilty at all. I had my doubts the jury would do the right thing . I know there’s some nuance here about why he was found guilty of only half of his charges that I’m probably missing. I just would’ve preferred to hear “guilty on ALL counts”. Still, watching…
Even if Taylor didn’t have a buyer’s club, she still did great work for people with HIV. She even provided support for her exdaughter in law when she contract HIV. She has a great legacy of HIV activism behind her even without this.