
Y'all is a contraction of the words You and All. #corrections

Now to convince my girlfriend that dressing up as Princess Harley is a good idea.

Earning one's soul > Being cursed to have a soul.

I don't like that they changed the lyrics to One Winged Angel between FF7 and Advent Children.

Having checked other landmarks and also the developers' statements that this game will take place "in several cities in North America", I can nearly guarantee that we'll be visiting a Post-Apocalyptic Cincinnati.

That yellow bridge and the presence of an I-75 sign are markers that at least part of this game takes place in Cincinnati, OH.

That's me. Always two steps short of brilliance. :D

Shahai for femshep, Ender for broshep. Named after the Dark Lady of the Shadowlands (Legend of the Five Rings CCG/RPG baddie) and the protagonist of the Ender's Game series, respectively.

This is relavent to my interests.

GenCon attendence has been up every year since 2008. This, coupled with the new Supers games hitting the market, give me hope for my hobby. :)

Having playtested this game, I can tell you that it takes some getting used to compared to more D&D-esq games like M&M. It's not really about *what* you can do, so much as it is *why* and *how* you're doing it.

Matt Smith's bowtie is a semi-clip-on, if the latest Children In Need special is to be believed.

Regolith is such a pretty word.

If this is iPad exclusive, I'm going to be rather cross. It's much more useful for me to be able to use something like this on an iPod Touch than one something the size of an iPad. Plus, I don't have an iPad. :P

Because people like vigilantism, especially when it targets the corrupt (even when the corrupt are operating inside the bounds of the law).

If you're dumb enough to download something called "Stripper Touch girl" or "Balloon Game", you probably deserve whatever Malware you download. Instead of putting the burden of safety on the App Market, why not just expect the end user to actually not be that dense?

This generation *does* need it's own BTiLC, though. People who can vote this year were -7 when that movie came out. Negative. Seven.

In regards to the "The Matrix of our generation was The Matrix." bit: people who are legally allowed to vote in the US this year were 5 when The Matrix was released in theaters.

I'll make you a deal, we'll make it on Wednesday if (and only if) everyone stays the hell home so that service industry folks can have a day off as well. What's that? You still want to go to a movie theater/casino/gas station/etc because you're bored on your day off? Then it's on Sunday. If we don't get an extra day

Hello, bank? I would like to borrow $1.75m.