
Rentals are terrible and the distributors are terrible people for not letting me just friggin' buy the damn movie. I'll pay $20 straight cash right now for a legitimate copy that I can keep forever. This is why people pirate things. Well, one of many many many reasons.

Less also works in this context, because they watch an amount of TV which is less than 10 hours.

Plexiglass is technically wet-erase.

Growing up, I always thought that line was "liberate tutame ex ferris". It never made sense why someone had to save themselves from Iron. It could be a reference to the abyssal plane of Dis, the Iron Citadel, but that'd be a bit too corner-case for a movie like Event Horizon. /endsidebar

My thoughts exactly.

If their previous N7 Hoodies are anything to go by, a Small is actually a Medium. They do not sell an Extra-Small. :(

I don't particularly care which day is first or last so long as the two "About 50% of the populace has these days off work" days are clumped at one end of the week. (edit: Or, hell, even the beginning. It just makes no sense to me to split them up.)

Now, if they could just fix their Order of Days problem (Sunday is the 7th day, not the first), I may buy one of their products. Seriously, it's "the weekend", so it needs to be at one end of the week.

I hope there's still some in stores when I get there in October. :S

Patent that. Right now. Earn money.

According to the logical extension of your argument, people who are incapable or unwilling to have children shouldn't ever get married?

I've got an HTC G1 running ICS (not running it well, mind you, but running it). It's not that they can't, it's that carriers and manufacturers can't be bothered.

It works for freight, why not for passengers? I'm game for this.

When I met my fiance, she was wearing a Team Rocket shirt. I said "Hey Team Rocket girl, let me get a Pikachu."

I'll be there, just like every year since 2000.

I'm all for not-in-your-face (hence my hatred for things like a tshirt with the N7 logo then a giant Bioware or Mass Effect logo on the back; why can't it just have the N7?) stuff, but that Fangamer stuff looks a bit too not-in-your-face. If other gamers can't even figure it out... /shrug

If one can't be blatant about the things that they love, what's the point of anything? Subtlety is code for ashamed.

I admire your high standards. A person has to work at my company for 10 years before they get 4 weeks of vacation. :S

I'm not fully understanding part of what you said. You said "they told me that I don't get any vacation time until my second year". Do you mean that in order to get any vacation time, you had to be there for two full years or that you don't get any vacation time until after your first anniversary (thereby being in

As far as I'm aware, Hipsters wear ridiculous clothes because they think the afore mentioned clothes look stupid or tacky. I honestly think that he thinks that looks amazing.