
Because we make them work non-standard days? I really don't understand the Foxconn comparison here. We aren't forcing them to work 60+ hours/week or denying them benefits. :S

Assuming one chose the Destroy ending, it could still work. :P

Firefly takes place in 2517, Mass Effect takes place in 2183. Who says they aren't the same universe?

That 35% number is after 6 months. Before I took over hiring, it was closer to 60%. The previous hiring manager was obfuscating the schedule to get more people in the door.

I don't understand why they'd take the job when that fact is laid out in front of them. We have about 35% turnover and that's the reason that nearly all of them leave. The people who can deal with (or who prefer to) work weekends work out great. (Edit for clarity: My employees still work 40 hour weeks, they just have

I get some of these questions when I'm hiring new people. I hear that "What are the most common reasons why new hires don't work out here?" often. I give them the same answer every time: "Because they don't seem to comprehend what I mean when I say 'you will work every weekend and every holiday between now and at

Telestrations is fantabulous. I bought a copy at GenCon like 4 years ago. Best money I've ever spent on a board game.

I'm going to cry like a tiny baby when I see this movie, aren't I?

This is mostly the fault of carriers and hardware manufacturers. They usually flat-out refuse to update any phone that's more than 12 months old to a newer version of the OS. My phone (HTC G2/Desire Z) can easily run ICS, but HTC has no plans to port it. Thing is, there's already a perfectly working port over at XDA.

No problems with my HTC G2.

Worldwide average height is 5'5". You're fine.


Thank you for making my joke for me. :)

Can't make my own character? Sorry, Atlus. Dealbreaker.

There are four people who have pledged $10,000+. That is staggering.

Y'all is a contraction of the words You and All. #corrections

Now to convince my girlfriend that dressing up as Princess Harley is a good idea.

Earning one's soul > Being cursed to have a soul.

I don't like that they changed the lyrics to One Winged Angel between FF7 and Advent Children.

Having checked other landmarks and also the developers' statements that this game will take place "in several cities in North America", I can nearly guarantee that we'll be visiting a Post-Apocalyptic Cincinnati.