
As a hiring manager, I hate that we use these types of programs. I want people who use things other than industry buzzwords in their resumes.

There are a couple of fiddly-bits in the G2 that keep it from being Pure, but it's as close as non-Nexus phones get.

Probably a good idea. This whole thing has got me in a world of paranoid.

It's not showing up on my HTC G2, but I could be doing something wrong. :S

It's a lot more like Fallout: NV, in that each area has a level range. For instance, a specific cave system might have a level range of 7 to 12. If you're level 3, the enemies in it will be level 7. If you're level 8, they'll be level 8 (or 9, etc.). If you're level 34, they'll be level 12.

Skyrim in the Imperial tongue, Skir'im in the original Nord.

I don't get this massive "I'll just wait for the GotY edition" thing. If there aren't enough copies sold, there won't *be* a GotY edition. HTFU or GTFO.

They wouldn't be more careful. They would get injured easier, which would increase the player-base turnover in the sport. This would be awesome. Professional players in American Football should last maybe 3 seasons at best, just like College. People who've been through 20 years wouldn't look all rugged and manly like

Mine's currently set to FBI Surveillance Van 42. I have an unsecure router that's labeled NoInternetOnlyViruses. It's not hooked up to my internet connection, but it is hooked up to a flash drive full of malware and viruses and whatnot. I use it to punish WiFi leaches. I warned them.

Snow White was boring. Cinderella was boring. Remakes making them less boring? I'm totally on board for that.

I use 10 minutes per month. TMobile has an Unlimited Data, Unlimited Texts, 100 minutes per month plan for $30 prepaid. I don't understand why this isn't available on other carriers. Also, why the hell is prepaid cheaper than a contract plan? I thought the whole point of the contract was to get a cheaper rate over

You could also just try honesty. "Yes, I went to the bar after work. I had two drinks and was hit on by a waitress."

I see this as a public service. It reminds municipalities to change their passwords or else vandals will have easy access to their signs.

Intel should have stuck with the iterative number-based names. I'd much rather have a 986 than an i7. Too much lowercase I in our culture.

I understand zee Googles and how they work.

"Smaller than a breadbox"? Two questions.

There are people who *don't* have Amazon Prime? Do they not ever buy anything online? How is that even a thing?

I see this art style so much and I really wish I enjoyed it. I just can't. :S

No, China is the Lannisters. Everyone owes them money. The US is more like the Targaryens; inbred, ultrapowerful, and insane.

"No, I'm John_Hazard, don't call me GrinchMaster."