
With a username like fartjetpack, I'm sincerely hoping the above poster is trolling. Sincerely. Hoping.

Just wait until you read the headlines in 2051 about these same types of documents for Operation Sandbox.

Phoenix currently has power, at least the majority of the city. Just talked to a couple of people out there. Yuma is black like darkmatter, though.

Called it.

I enjoy all the L5R art being showcased. :)

Responsibility has nothing to do with it. I say that if people are dumb enough to think that's her real Twitter account, that's their problem for being dense.

While it's true that it's not her real Twitter account, the sad truth is that it sounds like something she would say.

Rose had a good death/alternate reality. Then, RTD couldn't leave well enough alone and had to go all fangirl and bring her back. Let her rot in her alternate time line with lame-o human-knockoff doctor. Leave space in this continuity for non-lame companions. Hell, bring back that lady from Planet of the Dead.

I was very excited by this, until I found out it wasn't an open world game. If I have to follow along with the books, why don't I just read the books? I want to go exploring off the rails. Someone make a World of Harry Potter game where I can do the things this game does, but also just wander around ala WoW or Rift.

How weird would it be if the Mels that Rory and Amy grew up with *was* River/Melody in a different reincarnation? Being best pals with your daughter when you were a child sounds pretty time-y wimey.

Gluh. The last place I lived had a dedicated Delivery Service that would pick up stuff from any local restaurant and bring it to your house for a flat fee. They made asinine amounts of money on lazy people. They'd just need a web presence and the franchise opportunities would be magnificent. Sadly, I don't have any

When will services like this start operating in small towns? /hatestheinconvenienceofsmallto...

His estate/him gave the go ahead to the Tales of the Bounty Hunters book, thereby they gave their blessing on its contents.

The Expanded Universe is better than the prequel trilogy by leaps, bounds, and so many more arbitrary jumping-based measurements. Even the Young Jedi Knights books were better than Episode I.

This is the part where I point out, again, that the Sarlacc pit escape thing was completely explained in the book Tales of the Bounty Hunters. Lots of Star Wars geeks are all "Boba Fett's death was stupid!", but that's because he didn't die. /headdesk

My house is smack-dab in the middle of what T-Mobile has labeled as 3G. There is nowhere in my entire town where I can get anything higher than EDGE. I have one of their newest phones, so it isn't an antenna issue. I've tried standing on the highest building in town, in plain view of one of their towers; while setting

Yes and no. That's what it looks like, but seldom do you have that many icons showing up at once.

It's cool. I have at least 45 of those things in a drawer.

Sorry for the tone of my initial post/reply-thing. This is what I get for posting just after waking up. :S

Over at VZW, for instance, you're paying $20 a month for each month of your contract to subsidize the cost of your phone; even after the phone is entirely paid off. This is rolled into their contract pricing. T-Mobile is increasing transparency as well as stopping the charges as soon as your phone is paid off. What's