
So *that's* where I parked. The things you forget when you're 908.

@RuckingFetard: I'm the exact opposite. A physical keyboard allows me to type at my full typing speed instead of a brief pause like onscreen requires.

It isn't a successor to the G1 unless it has a 5row keyboard. /g2fail

The Star Wars CCG by Decipher has always translated that as "Utinni!"; as such, that's how I hear it now.

Owlbears are bitchin'.

@Oranges w/ Cheese has 2 cats! ahahaha.: In my area, Comcast has no real competition (other than Hughes.net and possibly cellular-based internets) so they can basically do whatever they want to their customers. It's like an abusive relationship, except I also have to give them money every month.

Comcast! /shakesfist

@battra92: $20 for Office is still too expensive when I can get the much more stable OpenOffice for free.

@Zack1e: I certainly hope so. Goonfleet and their antics are what make online games interesting.

@Josh: 50% Griefing, 50% Surviving the Griefing of Others. That's EvE. If you don't like the game, don't play it. Some of us enjoy the ridiculousness of it all.

@Josh: Considering that half of the fun of the game comes from avoiding other players who want to blow up everything you've worked so hard to gather, I think you're missing the point entirely.

@Josh: If he didn't want to lose the cash, he should have left the PLEXs in storage instead of taking them across the galaxy in what amounts to a '78 Ford Pinto with a finicky alternator.

@OreoExplosion: I would buy so many of those it's not even funny.

@techynottreky: Because it's Space? I mean, that should be reason enough. SCIENCE!

@Joe: Handcent has a better interface, but Chomp has a smaller hardware footprint (both in storage space used for the program and in amount of resources used). Overall, I like Handcent more. YMMV, of course.

@xmeatizmurderx: Why the crap does the Vibrant not have a physical keyboard? I don't want to switch carriers to some CDMA abomination.

@Zalethon: I'm pretty sure it's an attempt to prove legitimacy. A "see, I took the picture with my phone because it's still displayed on my phone!" kind of a situation.

@LittleDragon: If only it were that easy to defer liability. I'd be a happy little Urban Explorer if they'd do that, though. :)

That sounds heavenly. I will take a million tokens, please.