
@Tony Bullard: I'm the same way. Stupid energy surge post-coitus. /grumble

@dazoid: Lies! All lies! Matt Smith is a cyborg that doesn't age and as such can feasibly play The Doctor until the end of time.

My ladytype is going flip the frak out when she sees this. Oh so very many squee~s to be heard.

I really am in awe of how much work Ms. Derbyshire had to go through in the early '60s to create such a thing.

My 11th Doctor costume is finished, but sadly it'll be for GenCon Indy instead of ComicCon. :S

David who?

@Pope John Peeps II: I'd rather have a (marginally/batshite) insane person than a self-promoting dick chauffeuring us into the future.

@Pope John Peeps II: I'd rather have a (marginally/batshite) insane person than a self-promoting dick chauffeuring us into the future.

@paladjinn: Sometimes it isn't about doing what people want, but doing what is best for humanity as a whole. Wireless power or the electric car would have been possible 100 years ago had Olde Tommy Boy not interceded in his own best interest.

Every time someone mentions Tesla, I wonder at how advanced the world would have been if Edison wouldn't've been such a dick. /sigh

Heartwarmwrench'd. Good times. Thankee, Annalee.

Hello Cimmeria! Are you ready to RAWK?!

@Ryodestined: The screen on the DSiXL has the same resolution as the DSi, so I don't really see the upside unless you have poor vision.

@DarthMonkey: I just want a new Android phone with the G1's keyboard. Please?

@Unionhawk: I love Isle Royale. Been there about 3 times over the past 10 years. Totally worth it every time.