
@Oranges w/ Cheese has 2 cats! ahahaha.: In my area, Comcast has no real competition (other than Hughes.net and possibly cellular-based internets) so they can basically do whatever they want to their customers. It's like an abusive relationship, except I also have to give them money every month.

Comcast! /shakesfist

@battra92: $20 for Office is still too expensive when I can get the much more stable OpenOffice for free.

@Zack1e: I certainly hope so. Goonfleet and their antics are what make online games interesting.

@Josh: 50% Griefing, 50% Surviving the Griefing of Others. That's EvE. If you don't like the game, don't play it. Some of us enjoy the ridiculousness of it all.

@Josh: Considering that half of the fun of the game comes from avoiding other players who want to blow up everything you've worked so hard to gather, I think you're missing the point entirely.

@Josh: If he didn't want to lose the cash, he should have left the PLEXs in storage instead of taking them across the galaxy in what amounts to a '78 Ford Pinto with a finicky alternator.

@OreoExplosion: I would buy so many of those it's not even funny.

@techynottreky: Because it's Space? I mean, that should be reason enough. SCIENCE!

@Joe: Handcent has a better interface, but Chomp has a smaller hardware footprint (both in storage space used for the program and in amount of resources used). Overall, I like Handcent more. YMMV, of course.

@xmeatizmurderx: Why the crap does the Vibrant not have a physical keyboard? I don't want to switch carriers to some CDMA abomination.

@Zalethon: I'm pretty sure it's an attempt to prove legitimacy. A "see, I took the picture with my phone because it's still displayed on my phone!" kind of a situation.

@LittleDragon: If only it were that easy to defer liability. I'd be a happy little Urban Explorer if they'd do that, though. :)

That sounds heavenly. I will take a million tokens, please.

@Tony Bullard: I'm the same way. Stupid energy surge post-coitus. /grumble

@dazoid: Lies! All lies! Matt Smith is a cyborg that doesn't age and as such can feasibly play The Doctor until the end of time.

My ladytype is going flip the frak out when she sees this. Oh so very many squee~s to be heard.

I really am in awe of how much work Ms. Derbyshire had to go through in the early '60s to create such a thing.

My 11th Doctor costume is finished, but sadly it'll be for GenCon Indy instead of ComicCon. :S