David who?
David who?
@Pope John Peeps II: I'd rather have a (marginally/batshite) insane person than a self-promoting dick chauffeuring us into the future.
@Pope John Peeps II: I'd rather have a (marginally/batshite) insane person than a self-promoting dick chauffeuring us into the future.
@paladjinn: Sometimes it isn't about doing what people want, but doing what is best for humanity as a whole. Wireless power or the electric car would have been possible 100 years ago had Olde Tommy Boy not interceded in his own best interest.
Every time someone mentions Tesla, I wonder at how advanced the world would have been if Edison wouldn't've been such a dick. /sigh
Heartwarmwrench'd. Good times. Thankee, Annalee.
Hello Cimmeria! Are you ready to RAWK?!
@Ryodestined: The screen on the DSiXL has the same resolution as the DSi, so I don't really see the upside unless you have poor vision.
@DarthMonkey: I just want a new Android phone with the G1's keyboard. Please?
@Unionhawk: I love Isle Royale. Been there about 3 times over the past 10 years. Totally worth it every time.