
Yeah, I’m not even sure why that’s supposed to be funny.

That... was supposed to be a joke? Like... what?

Yeah, you follow the golden rule: Anything is fine, so long as it doesn’t affect anyone else. You want to speed on a deserted road? Fill your boots. You want to do the same thing in traffic? You’re a dickhead.

They mention Grogu’s “m-count” in the last episode.

It’s not about the ARREST, it’s about the OPPORTUNITY for a BEAT DOWN.

I think the creasing is supposed to seem like elbow skin creasing, at least that’s what my head canon told me.  It reminded me of Bib Fortuna’s tendrils, which just looked...greasy.

If only Rosario Dawson had been given time to grow out her natural montrals and head tails. 

the whole story hinges on, is how ViacomCBS controls Chappelle’s Show now and doesn’t have to give him any part of it because of a contract he signed before he left the show.

+1 Super Genius

I do appreciate this continued coverage of Trans rights and related issues by The Root.

‘Harm unit cohesion and combat readiness’ is a BS argument that was proven wrong when it was used against black people and later gay people. It’s only when the people who are in charge give tacit approval to the rascists and morons to discriminate as they did here that it actually effects cohesion and readiness.

Only one star to give, wise man.

Hey, he believes in Herd immunity, so why not a COVID laced cheeseburger.

The Czars were the Imperialists the Communists replaced.

This is really going to piss off people who think DHS is supposed to protect them from Latinos.

I mean, Herman Cain died, but I guess nobody cares because

The good news for the President is that he’s been isolating from Don Jr. his entire life so there’s little chance of reinfection.

Even though I only have a Mazda3, it’s a nicer interior than most of the Ford’s I’ve worked on so far that were 40k or below. Kinda sad that a struggling car company can make such a nice interior at a low cost when one of the world’s biggest struggle to do the same for double the money.

Those people all voted their interests and the GOP is representing them. You just don’t understand what their interests are. You think they are safety, health, and economic prosperity when they are really racism, xenophobia, and making sure they have somebody they can feel better than.