
Same as the way they run government:

Bullies ALWAYS play as the victim.

It’s just an excuse they use to justify twisting the law to support their regressive beliefs. They don't really mean it, if that helps (it doesn't).

Not only that, but they understood the Constitution could change with the times, so they added the ability to amend it.

It would be helpful if you could distinguish the photo included with your article as being an image of a legit ballot box. The unofficial ballot box looks nothing like this but if the reader were to only to be “informed” by picture and headline, it would appear THIS image is unofficial. Thank you for your


I owe apologize to some of the shows I’ve called Bullshit on for being “unrealistic.”  Seems I was just blind to the dipshittery.

Yo, this dude had to be WILDING for these Deputies go all Caesar on his ass! I can not wait to see what happens with this.

They did find out and ran a software update “over the air”.  HA!!!!

My wife’s aunt on her family group text: Pray for OUR President.

Yeah, he’s definitely in a bunch of high-risk groups: old, obese, low-income.

I enjoyed his performance more than the two leads.

Now playing

No, no, ORIGINAL Death Race 2000. Y’all remember the year 2000? It was like this:

Conservative are ALWAYS comparing apples to oranges. And then wonder why their life sucks and nobody likes them.

None of this is surprising. If we concentrated on empowering the millions of people we oppress, the economy would take off like never seen before. If the GOP really believed that a rising tide raised all boats, they would pursue this strategy. Involving underprivileged people on capitalism would result in better long

All of the suggestions are bad and the people who made them should feel bad for suggesting them.

Donald Trump Booed and Heckled When Paying His Respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I didn’t know I wanted a Florida Man douchebro vs. Salt Bae fight til I had to write this today.