I addressed what you said in your previous reply you big baby. I even quoted you.
I addressed what you said in your previous reply you big baby. I even quoted you.
NICKMERCS is streaming to 28.5k viewer right now, and the cam is from his neck up. I can’t even see his chin right now the camera angle is so high.
What are shirt sizes Alex? It is possible for people with big chest to buy shirts that keep their cleavage covered, I promise you.
The clip that got her banned: https://streamable.com/vuy4k
If she keeps the camera on her face how will any of her audience know she has big boobs?
I don’t think she should be able to do that. Its clearly a double standard, ban her too.
Why was the officer given time to scrub their social media accounts before their identity was revealed to the public.
Why? Why do women expect this right? Men and Women are judged on what they wear. This is part of human nature and even just a cursory reading of psychology will confirm this. So on what basis should women expect a special privilege to wear as tight or revealing clothing as they want and it not be perceived for what it…
Everyone, man and woman, are judged on what they wear. Do just a few minutes of cursory reading of psychology and you will know that. What women are trying to do is to get a privilege of wearing as sexually provocative clothing as they can get away with while being independent of any consequence for it. No one else…
I was watching Kotaku yesterday for this story to come up. At this point I’m tired of women crying crocodile tears when they get banned for this. ExoHydraX by her own admission had already received a ban once for this same reason but didn’t learn her lesson. Stop toeing the line with how you dress. Its VERY easy to…
I mean if you refuse to answer a simple question because you claim to see the future then who is arguing in bad faith here? So again, yes or no, do you think Twitch would be in their right to ban someone wearing a racial epithet on their shirt? Simple question.
I haven’t compared a thigh to hate speech. Its a question to see where we stand on this issue. Do you think Twitch would be in their right to ban someone wearing a racial epithet on their shirt? This should be a simple yes or no question for you based on your beliefs.
Ok guidelines for what is posted on their platform. Lets drill down more on that. If someone was wearing a shirt with a racial epithet would Twitch be in their right to ban that person?
It did. You can claim it didn’t but you’re ignoring reality. So it basically comes down to this. Do you believe that Twitch can’t enforce any rules on people who want to contributors on their platform?
For your other point, I’ll get to it.
Wait.. isn’t the hypocrisy on your part? I thought women should be able to wear what they want and if men find it sexual then men are the problem. So if you’re saying the avatar is overly sexualized isn’t that on you?
Which is it? Is showing cleavage sexualized or not?
Isn’t the argument you all make that a woman should be able to wear whatever she wants to and if you find it sexual you’re the problem. If that’s true, how is that avatar an oversexualization? Funny thing is, that avatar wears very similar things to what Velvet_7 wore and got banned for.
I addressed your point A specifically. Go back and re-read. Its the 2nd paragraph of what I said.
Still screeching.
“when she was, in reality, wearing baggy gym clothes in a setting where you’d expect to see them.” And sports bra with an open shirt. Honestly Twitch needs to make it so NO ONE can go topless. Its definitely not fair that men can go shirtless and women can’t. Make it so no one can go shirtless and the rules become a…
Twitch streamers: if you wear a loose crew neck t-shirt and cargo shorts you’ll be fine. Easy to find this outfit, cheap to own, and comfortable. Do this, no problems, promise.