Keep a steady flow of mixed drinks - enough to relax, not too much so you're shitfaced - and keep your mouth shut outside of "You're right, Charleton Heston was a great Moses," and you'd be fine.
This may drive Cam to flip out about it.
I'd feel slightly (just slightly) more comfortable wearing returned pants, unless I had prior knowledge that the previous owner enjoyed pulling them so deep in their ass crack and crotch that they could taste that sweet, sweet denim.
Under different circumstance, probably. Although now I'm going to donate some unopened BVD's to the local shelter as my mind has been racing about wearing other people's undies.
Hobby Lobby - sure the price is a little more than you'd expect for a 4'X4' wooden star and a corresponding circle, but it's great for when you need to make a pentagram on the fly.
I know I wouldn't be comfortable wearing underwear that was worn by someone else, even if it was deep cleaned. The thought of someone else's privates, butthole and general grundle area weirds me out. Even if they were on sale.
Around 6,500 more days.
"The person that lets them get you down, any kind of problem, is the kind of person who fades out. You have to be strong enough, you don't like it, but you got to be strong enough to accept what's going on and are you going to fight it or whatever it takes to overcome this matter."
This is America - free porn should not be this close to losing.
In our AP Government exam, our teacher reminded us to write whatever we could during the exam because the proctors had to read every word. I was lucky I had been accepted into the state school of my choosing already, so the essays consisted of a review of High on Fire's "Blessed Black Wings," a treatise about the…
Real talk - anyone in metro Detroit want to go tailgate in the DTE parking lot before hand? I'll be the asshole in the cutoff t-shirt shotgunning PBRs and singing Superbass in between metal tracks playing off my phone.
In middle school, our band was invited to compete in the state of Michigan's public school band competition. Probably not the formal name of it, but whatever - we sucked as a band and it's not that important to the story. Because said competition took over the course of two days in a location that was a three hour…