Just some guy

“The gulf between those Americans who see their country as oppressive and those who see it as basically noble, has just widened considerably.”

absolutely. its hell and most of the time, people do indeed see you as a nonperson. at best.

Fuck yes.

Fire Marshall Bill still burning shit down.


it’s amazing how our country’s very stupid collective fear of muslims makes the shitty prison system even worse

Is this what love feels like? I think I’m in love.

Really? You should probably read more about the rise of fascism in the 20th century. Conflating national and corporate interests was kind of a hallmark of National Socialism and Italian facism.

“Read the full profile here, if you dare.”

He should have simply just complied. If you’re not breaking ‘the law’, what do you have to be afraid of, Tom?

Man working alongside face eating leopards surprised when leopards try to eat his face.

Cucumber Salad: sliced cucumbers, sliced red onions, 1/2 white vinegar, 1/2 water, optional 1/2 teaspoon sugar, optional salt, and black pepper.

Why the fuck is she allowed to do this with no repurcussions?

She’s a racist, transphobic, islamophobic piece of shit who spread Sandy Hook conspiracies, among other things. I have no idea why people still pretend she isn’t 100% toxic.

Fuck her, fuck the fans of her show reboot, fuck all this. Why the fuck is her show still going? Why the fuck is she allowed to do this with no repurcussions? What the fuck...

Bah, you can actually see out the sides on that one. Who wants that?