Ah Greek men ARE pretty. I can imagine ruins site after ruins site starting to get a little boring, but then again, go somewhere other than Greece, you know?
Ah Greek men ARE pretty. I can imagine ruins site after ruins site starting to get a little boring, but then again, go somewhere other than Greece, you know?
My sister, an “L”, says it stands for both; queer and questioning. And also “Quit denying me my rights you fucking assholes.” But she may be overstating a bit.
Same here. The headline definitely made me go, “What’s happening in Florida now?”
This was definitely a headline that gave me a major doubletake for a few seconds. Then I said “awwww” and all was right with the world.
they don’t “think,” period.
“We beat the British with nothing more than just a bunch of dissidents.”
How will we get young people and nblack people to vote for Republicans? I know! The young folk like that rap music. Doesn’t sound like music to me (har!) but they seem to like it.
A rip rap rip rap a rip rap rippidy dooooo
Don’t forget papercuts!
Yet the “list of things not trying to kill you in Australia” list is clearly on the trying to kill you list.
Apparently, Australia felt that the wildlife wasn’t scary enough anymore.
*moves pizza from “Things In Australia Not Trying To Kill You” list to “Things In Australia Trying To Kill You” list*
Things i trust more than the Dugger’s moral authority.
Genuinely curious, because I’m by no means an expert, but those signs look super photoshopped? is that common? Because especially with the last one, the text isn’t parallel to the edges of the sign.
he’s spraying vinegar to disperse the chemicals from the planes.
Hope he knows it has to be apple cider vinegar, or it won’t repel the plane chems (or cancer, or aliens, or the shadow people...)