Yeah, I had a male best friend at 5 and I remember he’d pee with the door open and I’m all “well, that’s different!”. That is normal. Was it me, in a bed, with my teenage babysitter - no. How insane do you have to be to not see the difference? What.
Yeah, I had a male best friend at 5 and I remember he’d pee with the door open and I’m all “well, that’s different!”. That is normal. Was it me, in a bed, with my teenage babysitter - no. How insane do you have to be to not see the difference? What.
Yes, I played doctor in preschool with other kids my age. It’s just a funny memory of equally clueless curious kids exploring bodies. When I was molested at age 5 by a 14 year old, I was traumatized. It didn’t ruin my life, but it certainly had repercussions on my later romantic life.
And how can you simultaneously assert that hand-holding and hugs are forbidden outside of marriage, but playing with your sleeping sister’s vagina is normal?
And let’s be real... 14 is definitely old enough to know what you’re doing is wrong. Kids playing doctor is exploration/not sexual; 14 year olds touching little girls is abuse.
Right! Texting while driving, speeding like idiots, drinking and drugging to excess, etc. Teenage boys tend to do dumbass shit that puts them in danger because of this lack of judgment and sense of invincibility. But that does NOT extend to being a predator, either with girls their own age or with tiny humans. I’ve…
Oh for fuck’s sake. So basically having the children of the family molested by an older sibling is a big bummer? Well, we hope it won’t happen, but if it does, them’s the breaks and no biggie?
Two five year olds looking at each other’s wee wees are “Playing Doctor”. A 15 year old adolescent molesting a five year old is not. Never mind that there were multiple victims, multiple occasions over several years, and often the victims were originally asleep, so they weren’t ‘playing’ anything.
This is awful. Also consistent. This sect views any sexual interaction outside marriage as the same sin, so wanting to take off your clothes with someone you’re dating is the exact same as what Josh did.
You left out the best part of Michael Seewald’s disgusting diatribe:
they’re not insane. they’re just fucked. they seriously think this shit is okay because they’ve been raised believing that everybody is a fucking molester/rapist except they don’t do anything because god. we are talking about communities where people like this fucking thrive, because they know if they get caught with…
Yep, it’s amazing how quickly teenage boys can become blubbering diaper-clad babies in the eyes of the public. To compare a 15-year-old boy preying on a 5-year-old girl to innocent little kids playing doctor is beyond bizarre and, as I have said before, a bit insulting to the average teenage boy.
Well-adjusted 14 year olds do not “play doctor” with younger siblings.
“Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh. We should not be shocked that this occurred in the Duggar’s home, we should rather be thankful to God if we have been spared such, and pray…
Mark, you are right to your anger the same as any decent person is. He made this fucking joke at 27 years after he “repented” for his sins of molesting his sisters? I am gonna go throw up now.
Yeah. Not cool, guys! That being said, i’ll take both kitties.
the names are a bit sadistic lol...
“It was an enormous, enormous triumph,” Steinem told ABC “We feel very celebratory and positive that we have created a voyage across the DMZ in peace and reconciliation that was said to be impossible.”
Sex position where you cling to the other person like a barnacle.
Am I wrong in thinking this is a bad idea? Birth control isn’t like aspirin. You should talk to your doctor to decide what dosage or type of hormone is best for you. To make it OTC seems dangerous.