JustSome1...Who Will Lead the Grays to Freedom!

This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.

Yeah no, this is not on Spirit. This woman has something seriously wrong with her if she actually flushed a living creature down a toilet, there were many, many other options. Jesus fucking christ.

OR People could find something better to do with their lives and stop harassing an elderly couple who probably don’t want to turn their house into a museum for a gaggle of rubbernecking gawking morons.

Charge people to come on to their property, charge people who want to throw a pizza. Make a little Breaking Bad museum in the garage. Sell your own souvenirs, rent out the back yard for pool parties etc.

sometimes demanding that the people who live there close their garage or clear out of the driveway so that they can take their perfect TV nostalgia shot

Consider your male colleagues. Do you think they hesitate to shit in public restrooms?

With manatees there are no overlords. There are only friends and boat propellers.

Florida doesn’t deserve manatees. Actually no one does. Too pure for this world.

The fact that he was falsely accused of a crime is just further proof that Whitehead isn’t Cowboys material.

Literally put my 20 year old, Old Man Cat named Honey to sleep yesterday. I bawled when they gave us the card with his paw prints.

RIP Stubbs.

If Denali decides not to go into the family business, Khaleesi here thinks she’s royalty already, I’m sure she’d be up for the job.

You can see the “foam” at the top of the tea in this pic. Whiskey doesn’t do that.

This is heartbreaking all around.

This man works so hard to prove that he’s an interesting person, but there’s no there there.

This seems like one of those ideas that someone pitched to the Mayor as a splashy policy that would generate a lot of “tough love” good publicity, but lord will it have massive amounts of unforeseen (or completely foreseeable from some peoples’ points of view) consequences. For instance; disabled children won’t get a

One of the saddest aspects of this for Little Rock is how the community is responding (online via Facebook comments to the news reports) to the shooting. No love, no concern, no sympathy. Just a bunch of racist bible thumpers. I’ve seen a friend who lives in Little Rock comment about it saying “this doesn’t happen at

If a Muslim was the shooter Trump would be all over this. Like white on rice.

The Packers don’t seem to be as money stupid as most teams. Might be because they’re owned by the public. Probably makes them less likely to get into pissing contest with the billionaire who sits next to them at the annual meeting.

I was speaking generally about NFL owners. Same reason for the salary cap and the rookie wage scale: to protect stupid owners.