JustSome1...Who Will Lead the Grays to Freedom!

Two asses and four hooters...

Good. The Judgment of Owls is pleased.

Cool Pope. Same Old Pope flavor in a shiny new can.

This shit cannot be said enough:

That's it—throw down, right now! Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Roberts: express milk, on the spot. Right now. Do it like your imaginary starving baby depends on it. I want to see each one squeeze out one little drop of white gold.

I kind of love this owl....can it come swoop down on the annoying joggers where I live?? Especially the ones that"need" to jog with a baby in a stroller in subfreezing temperatures...(that bothers the shit out of me....jog if you must...leave the kid with the nanny where it's warm....yes they all have nannies where I


I'm sorry to say that many Republican male legislators seem to think of The Handmaid's Tale as a how-to guide, not a dystopian horror novel.

Oh I looked up his "chilli" recipe. It's got carrots, celery, and chickpeas in it, and he recommends serving it over basmati rice.

What kind of life experiences does a woman have to have in order to turn into the kind of person who says "oh yea, every one of those women are just making it all up"?

I can't believe the ONE time an author gets unprecedented creative control over a film adaptation, it's fucking E.L James and 50 Shades of Grey.

This quote literally makes no sense.

WTF does this even mean

Please, no, the whites have the Bushes and well, a vast, vast majority of the GOP.

See also:

Sometimes it helps to look at the same type of scenario with a non-sexual action:

I don't mean to brag, but I don't have to have sex with unconscious people to have sex.

"Hollywood in general has often sent the message that men are superfluous, that they're stupid, that they're often in the way,"

men's stupidity is a trope that is absolutely played up in hollywood.