....hold on spidermonkey.
....hold on spidermonkey.
Every building site, car garage... almost any working class male dominated environment will have a copy around. Because pretending to read the news at work is more acceptable than pulling out a porn mag.
The dude she ran against for her House seat actually questioned her patriotism in the grand Republican fashion because she dared to be a Democrat (also see decorated veteran John Kerry and triple amputee Vietnam vet Max Cleland.)
as much as it pains me to say this: Johnson's right. this woman spends way too much time taking people - other women, specifically - to task for failing to live up to moral standards which she herself cannot uphold. if her online persona wasn't so relentlessly moralistic, Johnson wouldn't have even bothered with this.…
Republicans. They can dish it but they can't take it. If this was a high profile liberal's wife, the gloating and smarmy tweets and Fox News stories would be innumerable.
I don't like guns. I feel it's not necessary to have them in your home but if you do, at least FUCKING LOCK THEM UP. Take the fucking bullets out of it, put it in a case or a safe and FUCKING LOCK IT. The majority of these children and teens are killed because they found a loaded gun in someone's nightstand and were…
I would like anti-gay groups to recuse themselves from the world in general. Do I get a say?
Yep. Embryo worshippers. They could care less about live children.
Amazing. I am actually thrilled about this.
The "Mr. Cosby forgives you" portion is such perp talk. I just hate the fact that we live in a world where someone can get away will dozens of sexual assaults while also getting money from supportive fans.
Here's the thing that all the Paterno corpse fellaters fail to appreciate: Paterno could have ended this whole thing with one phone call. No, not to the cops or the school administration; to the media. You want justice in this country while maintaining your reputation? You call a fucking journalist and tell them…
You guys are losing your touch. It took 5 whole minutes before a Penn St. apologist came here screaming "HE REPORTED IT TO THE AUTHORITIES!"
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're a Penn State fan.
"Football was more important to them than saving children."
RBG I'ma need you to lock Scalia in the bathroom until this is all over and done with, please and thank you