I would rob a bank. But I would never be a bank robber.
I would rob a bank. But I would never be a bank robber.
Yeah, for example, my skin tone is the color of teak wood, but it got lightened to a nearly slighty dark cream-colored look.
Yeah, I think that's the problem. We offered the same thing for all senior photos, but again, it was something you specifically paid to do. That's just weird to have a photographer go through and edit all the pictures. Unless it was a packaged deal? Most photographers charge extra for retouches, but sometimes they…
One commenter points out as a photo retoucher they just give everyone the most perfect photo possible because one never knows who's going to complain
Yeah, this is a common thing, unfortunately, my school was vast majority POC, and people (including me) were upset when people's skin colors were LIGHTENED (some by several shades), and birth marks were removed.
this is some INSANE SHIT
True story: The high horse I picture you on is actually Eeyore.
I'm beginning to think animal abuse is a Republican Family Value (tm).
A deeply-ingrained sense of full entitlement. Lost of money.
OMG, wtf is up with Mike Huckabee's son? It's something about how weaker things should be treated probably. If they aren't as strong as you, they don't warrant respect.
My dog bit my face once when I was in kindergarten. She was a big dog, a breed often accused of being aggressive and violent. She was the sweetest dog ever, though, and I was a shit of child who was trying to force her to "roll over" when she wanted to nap. It was more of a scrape than a deep wound, and left no…
Not just any dog but a dog provided to the Palin's by the Puppy Jake Foundation as a service dog for Trig. Normally these are only supplied to wounded vets.
I already dislike Palin so much, this post barely phased me. Like, of course she would do this.
Damn, and the dog is even black. :(
Palin is a self-aggrandizing narcissist without a shred of reflection or even the kind of cagey barometer for public opinion that many pols have. Please don't cut this woman any slack. Remember the many photos of her posing with wolves killed in Alaska's "shoot haphazardly from a helicopter at anything that moves"…
This is some kind of metaphor for the GOP's attitude towards the poor, I'm 95% sure of it
Oh my god lady, your daughter literally said you were part of the reason she was killing herself. Maybe think about what that means instead of running your mouth about how it wasn't your fault and disrespecting your kid even in death.
But, but- religion is never an aggravator of such problems. No, no, religion is just dandy and Christianity is a religion of love! Love thy child, love thy neighbour...