JustSome1...Who Will Lead the Grays to Freedom!

Meanwhile in Utah: "Emma Watson nude."


Keep it classy, Utah.

Isn't it awesome we live in a country where people can easily forgive and forget the fact you're a raging hateful unapologetic bigot? A country of second chances is what we are. Brings a tear to my eye. God bless the U S of A.

I know a lot of people in the queer community whose lives have been irreparably damaged by intolerant religious people, so while I feel for those who resort to this sort of thing to cope, I have zero qualms about pointing out that the religious beliefs that drive people to do this are absolute bullshit.

I won't bash these people and their obvious struggles. I extend no such courtesy to religion.

I notice that the media nearly always frames the decline in marriages as a problem. But there were and are a lot of bad marriages... maybe some of those entanglements are not happening now?

I discovered 'a means of alternative sexual gratification' long before I discovered the internet.

In addition

You know what? There is a reason why we have publishing houses. You know, people who know something about writing, plots and the bigger picture, reading your work before the general public has to deal with it.

To the contrary, he asked that they adhere to journalistic standards and approach the story in a neutral manner—without a predisposition to either side of the story. It is of course what we would expect of all media.

fuck him

Dear Bill,

I suspect these two might make good friends:

Team cat headquarters here,

banning female ejaculation is definitely sexist. only guys are allowed to do that, i guess.
and exactly what are objects associated with violence that should nit be used for penetration? i can understand ones that are potentially dangerous just by their very design (anything made out of glass comes to mind).

Now playing

Often times prohibitions create whole new terms. I am sort of looking forward to some of the cromulent neologisms that will be embiggened by this ban!

Someone needs to tell the Parents Television Council that you can get all these old specials on DVD and let your kids watch them, free from any commercials or any hint of "lingerie."

I am always perplexed by the strict nature of Greek organizations (particularly sororities). They are very active in protecting their image and protecting themselves from liability. I fully understand the reasoning, but it has always rubbed me weird. This kind of adds to it - why is there such strict policing of the

That's horrifying. I get that furries are the internet's scapegoat, but they're so fucking harmless. The worst things I've ever seen written about them is that sometimes people get sexually inappropriate at their cons in ways that annoy others...which is the case at every con, and every mainstream convention, and