Keep it in your fridge at work until Elaine finds it and eats it while solo-waltzing around your office and eventually replaces it with an Entenman's? They don't have a castle in Europe, but they do have their own dairy case at the end of the aisle.
Keep it in your fridge at work until Elaine finds it and eats it while solo-waltzing around your office and eventually replaces it with an Entenman's? They don't have a castle in Europe, but they do have their own dairy case at the end of the aisle.
i'm glad he said this
but G.Bush, ur still a dick.
Everytime I hear somebody say "War on Christmas" I just stare blankly at them. The stores display their Christmas wares in late August where I live and the Hallmark Channel started showing 24 hour Christmas movies on Halloween night. Cartoon Network even ran Christmas movies back on July 25th as a "countdown" to…
Who is high at NBC right now
Yes. The fear is that if women are allowed to control their bodies, society is doomed. They really want abortion to be so unsafe that women will die if they have an abortion. "Serves 'em right!" The thought is basically that if you have an abortion, you should die. But you should be so scared to do so that you will…
They're terrified of living in a world in which women can act like dirty whores without being appropriately punished for it. It really starts and ends with that.
Because they're fascists, and fascists love whatever kind of control they can use on people.
It was about ethics in gaming journalism.
So many men don't want women earning real money because all these guys have to offer is earning power. If women as a whole could close the wage gap, these clowns would have to come to the table with good personalities, good looks, a certain weight/ height, etc. You know, all the shit that women are required to have in…
I asked him what happened when we got out of the elevator. He told me he was terrified because security was there.
There is nothing about anything regarding this whole situation that isn't incredibly sad.
I imagine that some pro Darren Wilson fans are probably also Garth Brooks fans. This sends a pretty powerful message.
Hmm . . . you say he won't appear in wake of the grand jury's decision not to indict Darren Wilson, but he says he won't appear in the wake of civil unrest. Same outcome, to be sure, but the emphasis is a little different.
On the one hand I get the homage to the Family Guy joke.