JustSome1...Who Will Lead the Grays to Freedom!

Wow. Just wow. He didn't explain to me what his reasoning was, so I didn't know it was something like that... I don't even know how to respond to that. That's as bad as that whole "Fireball whiskey has antifreeze" thing that was all over the news. Seriously? Propylene glycol isn't the same as pouring car fluids

I wish this happened when I worked at a grocery store... All I ever got was irate octogenarians fuming over 10-cent coupons, and people trying to convince me that what we were selling as olive oil was really motor oil("Dr." Oz told him).

To Sohair al-Bata'a, I am sorry. Sorry that you grew up in a world that doesn't value women and demonizes our sexuality.

Absolutely. One of the detectives reportedly told people she didn't think simple rape should be a crime. Guess how many of her simple rape cases were taken to court? 1. That's not botched - that's systemic, intentional inaction.


Botched sounds like something they did on accident. This was the deliberate, lazy action of a corrupt police force.

every sperm is great...

How did I not know this was going on? My only involvement in ice-bucket-insanity was dumping ice on my boss, which I wasn't going to pass up, but I LOVE tacos, beer, and abortion funding.

Everytime I read anything about US healthcare I count my lucky stars I was born in a country that doesn't only provide medical care to those that can afford it. I can't imagine needing/ wanting an abortion and being unable to afford it but at the same time being unable to pay the medical bills associated with giving

God, I remember when that video of her interrogation first came out. She just looked so fucking scared and so fucking determined. She was one of the first faces to show the human cost of that war.

I've thought about ordering chicks via mail before. But there's all this legal work, arranging a for a visa, marriage license, are they going to bring their whole family with them from Russia?

I've never really understood the non-surprise marriage proposal. I suppose I think that there should have been some discussion about the suitability of marriage before someone pops the question (so you don't get the above scenario, at least), but all those couples I know who "plan on getting married" but "are just

Yeah, and by focusing on getting women out of prison, it implies that either women are more innocent, or they're more childlike and can't handle prison.

Now playing

I don't really need an excuse to post from this show, but this article gave me one.

Agreed. Non-violent offenders sentenced to short terms typically don't benefit from prison, and that goes for male offenders as well.

Yeah, this'll totally win over the naysayers who don't believe us when we say feminism is about equality.

Well, what else was he supposed to do? He's not the caller's father. It sounds like you have a beef with the host. He cut the call off and admonished the guy on the air. I'm not sure he could do much more. But this is why radio shows have delays.

As a Chicagoan who is currently losing their shit over this otter pup, I have to share a recent story. I went to the Shed a few months ago, mainly in part to see the otters because of all the cuteness. Being adorable, my husband sneaked into the gift shop and bought me a stuffed otter (I'm 31 and this little guy is

You left out "Christian." I assure you that there are many straight, white, atheist/agnostic men that want fuck all to do with the faux-victimized evangelism in the Republican party that has plagued much of our country.