This country needs to seriously get over their obsession with breasts.
This country needs to seriously get over their obsession with breasts.
Can't say I blame her. Look how that turned out for Mary.
OH MY GOD. This guy is irritating me so much.
Conceiving a child out of wedlock, falling asleep during meetings, cold and distant to his kids, repeating movie plotlines as though they had actually happened...
Don't forget adultery, divorce, and a gay son!
....Increasing taxes on the middle class, ballooning our deficit, shutting down mental health facilities....
Yeah, I mean, who's the sick person throwing cats at people?!
its ok tho bc heterosexuality and also prolife
You're forgetting that the oldest son impregnated a preacher's daughter, got married after the baby was born and divorced her a year later. Not kidding you.
A) I don't too many 20 year olds that honestly need "defending" from old ladies
hm... She got in the face of the 60 year old to "defend her sister." Not buying it. I'm pretty sure she was not interested in a nice conversation with that woman. This is a trashy bunch who almost got to be our #2 family, guys. I'm still not over it, and will never be. John McCain, it's on you, deeply stupid and…
Are we sure this person isn't really on Scott Peters' side, and did this as an act of sabotage? Because even the Republicans couldn't be this obtuse, could they?
If the "active ingredients" of this (or any other quack therapy) could actually absorb into your skin to the depth needed to provide the benefits they claim, then they'd need FDA approval (or equivalent).
I was never meant to live in this era anyway.
I imagine these people feel like the inmates and the AIDS patients "deserve" their fate. They don't care about poor people. They just care about the "POOR, DEFENSELESS BABIES... in your body." Yeah, I don't get it either.
A smart doctor...
Maybe they thought she was a duck-billed platypus?
I think the most bizarre part about the reporting of this story is that people keep referring to him as War Machine. He's a piece of shit and shouldn't gain any fame or whatever based on this.
So I know that the forums here are supposed to be funny, but: fuck this guy.