JustSome1...Who Will Lead the Grays to Freedom!

I don't understand why people keep asking this. Because he passed out? Because he was incredibly disoriented from having the crap kicked out of him and the concussion? It doesn't take much imagination.

I, for one, welcome of fuzzy feral over-lords.

I dunno; I'm partial to Louise, myself. Oh, who am I kidding. All of the Belcher children are delightful (and Linda is the best TV mom!).

anyone else get the feeling this is the administration trying to punish students for speaking up, and disguise it as giving them what they want? cuz that's what it reeks of to me.

She didn't want to take everyone back to the minivan to do the diaper change.

No. Just no. I think breast feeding in public is fine, mothers with babies crying on airplanes deserve some sympathy because there really isn't a damn thing they can do, and that guy who posted a (totally made up) story about buying all the pies at BK to spite a kid is an asshole, but this?


Are those approval ratings considered reliable? I wasn't under the impression that most citizens were especially comfortable criticizing Putin.

Dat mustache...

What a beautiful animal.

I saw one in a wildlife sanctuary and it was also awe-inspiringly majestic.

Who put the Froot Loops way up there?

Why oh why must he be one of the most public faces of atheism?! Dude, you are not helping!

Sure, run along kid, the grownups need to talk.

The "gosh darns" are gonna be flying left and right.

Say what you will but I'll never get tired of making fun of Sarah Palin! This video has everything: a close-up shot of some toes, proof of behind-the-scenes Duck Dynasty articles, criticism of the mainstream media, quotes from Isaiah, a couple of shots of her with black people and Asian people to distract you from the

I am praying, you hear me, praying to Darwin for Sarah Palin to drive herself into bankruptcy, like the rock stars and rap artists with a brief successful period who get hooked on the big expenses and then can't sustain their lifestyle. I want her to show up to Kroger with her EBT card in 5 years. I want her to become