Here's John Oliver on the whole thing.
Here's John Oliver on the whole thing.
I don't know why I even clicked on this. I knew it would just make me angry; it's not like I need a reminder that intolerant idiots exist. I'm glad this post exists, though, because these people should be shamed publicly.
The other day me and the members of this feminist club I'm part of at my school were talking about this and the question of whether the United States should get involved was brought up. Everyone basically said we shouldn't, and if we do, it won't be out of concern for the girls, but because Nigeria has something that…
It's a real baby, you know, it's not some disposable somethin'
Just because someone can do it, doesn't mean they should. Nor does it mean they will be free from criticism.
Well it's not the most fun aspect of my job but here we are.
Awesome job, Erin. Thank you for your hard work on this.
I searched for and verified the student status of the people mentioned by name in the emails.
I think this is cute :)))
I actually meant Megyn Kelly but got confused
I wish they'd make it four white women and one black man, so viewers are confused as to who they're supposed to empathize with. Ooh, ooh, or a conservative gay man!
A new study published in a forthcoming issue of Gender & Society finds that girls and young women rarely report…
People who romanticizing the 50's and 60's are the worst. I can understand praising those time periods if you're a straight, Christian white able-bodied male, but if you're anything outside of that, you need to A) love yourself and B) educate yourself, most importantly.
I thought I was prepared for those lyrics. I was not.
Freaking love this show. Watching it almost makes me feel a pang of regret for choosing to be a journalist over being a physicist. Almost.
Tyson laid it out in the show's first episode:
Only 18 months?