JustSome1...Who Will Lead the Grays to Freedom!

There is so much tragedy that could have been avoid here:

Your thinking of Jesus, not Jeesus! Which means it’s time for “Flimsy Excuse to Post My Favorite Image” time again!:

My car prefers to cook me. Black leather seats+summer day when it was 100+ F in the shade+wearing only shorts and a t-shirt+not giving it time to cool before getting in and turning on AC=bad idea. More so since I was already sunburned that day...

Likewise. I could never see myself ever serving (even unwillingly) in the military unless something along the lines of the Russians and their bear army invaded (even that’s pushing it and odds of anything along those lines is low) but due to threat of no Pell Grants or other federal student assistance, I grudgingly

When coal doesn’t return, they’ll blame Obama (despite it being on way out for years and simply uneconomical).

Exactly. My dad completely misses this point. He complained and bemoaned Obama for being “soft” (choosing to ignore that drone strikes went UP under Obama) on terror.

My girlfriend’s greatest wish is to strangle Dr. Oz with her bare hands, resuscitate him then strangle him again with her scrubs.

Ivy League and being a doctor isn’t an instant genius. I’ve meet people who graduated Harvard (I know it’s not Yale but it’s still an Ivy) and are doctors (one of them did both) that are dumber than a box of rocks.

Uncle bought one for his condo in Myrtle Beach once. My grandmother stayed there three days and Billy was gone.

I had no idea that D.A.R.E even had a choir. Then again, all I really remember about it was half-assing the final project the night before it was due.

Does anyone in Jersey truly and honestly (and not just because of political reasons) believe that Christie had nothing to do with this?

What is it about Spanish speaking broadcasters that make everything 1000x more exciting to listen/watch than English speaking ones?

I do wonder how many beards/lavender marriages are in Utah simply due to Mormon church pressure that man/woman pairings are the only ones approved.

Someone in my building who lives on the first floor has a Trump sign in their window.

I request that Hillary has Janet Jackson perform “Nasty” at the inaugural ball in Jan.

I don’t think even Kubrick, Welles, Hitchcock or Kurosawa (whose The Hidden Fortress helped inspired Star Wars in first place) could save the films with the scripts that Lucas wrote.

When driving down in the Deep South once, I had to wash my hands after the soda I was drinking spilled over me after hitting a small pothole.

[Barbara said] “The Democrats who are accusing him are probably the same ones shacking up around the corner. And watching pornography!”

That headlining image offends me. Voldemort isn’t as evil as Trump.

The yugest words!