Just Say No

No one has lost face in this election as much as Ted Cruz

Yeah, this “apology” is bullshite. An apology does not include a “Yeah BUT so and so did this.” A sincere apology is a form of humbling yourself, and not bringing up anyone else’s actions.

Conversely the DNC could have picked anyone but Clinton and been running away with it a landslide.

You’re adorably dumb.

His punishment will almost certainly be a lifetime ban from Blue Jays games. Or, if he has a really good lawyer, he’ll get a lifetime ban from Blue Jays and Leafs games.

Anytime there is a headline about this place, it simply reinforces my stance to never eat there, and to never let my kids eat there. Hope those workers really stick it to them, and hope they all move onto better work.

This is the first iron banner in a while where I’ve felt slightly underleveled. I started at 360 light and those few less damage points I’m missing against higher leveled players really hurt in close battles. That said the bounties are all fun, easy enough to complete, and reward you well. If you’ve played kill

Get rid of fraternities. Period.

Inside Llewyn Davis? Lost in Translation? What? Are they out of their minds? ILD is not even in the top 5 best Coen movies. It’s not even that good, really.

The real story is no longer even remotely that this deranged, colossally ignorant, mendacious, and malicious man has somehow become the nominee of a major party. The Republican Party is nothing but a racist con job and money-laundering operation anyhow, it has been running on fumes for a generation. So yeah, whatever.

That near-billion that he lost through bad business deals... very likely was not from his own personal wealth, but from other people’s money. He swindled poor saps with tales of his ‘great business acumen’, got them to invest a near billion dollars, then drove it into the ground in one year. So they’re out ‘real

I’ve been teaching my son about consent since he was two. He’s a hugger, and it breaks my heart to tell him he has to ask before he hugs, but he will reach an age (has reached that age) where it’s not cool to put yourself into someone’s personal space without asking. It’s not cool to assume that his 1st grade crush

I was raped by someone I thought I knew very well- I had never seen it coming. And the thing is, I don’t believe he thought what he was doing was wrong. His behavior was so ingrained he thought it was perfectly okay. I wonder if a lot of men don’t rape under just those circumstances, if they aren’t completely blinded

This is good to know, but I’m not quite sure why everyone’s so thrilled. It will do NOTHING to his voters. They won’t care. If they don’t care when he insults a disabled person, and veterans and their families, and he stiffs small business owners, they are not going to care — may even praise his accounting acumen —

Then maybe teach him that only yes means yes. Don’t take the lack of an answer for consent.

If you teach your son to respect women, to not have sex with drunk women, to not have sex without clear consent, he will be fine.

If you teach your son to respect women, to not have sex with drunk women, to not have sex without clear consent, he will be fine. Most of the men I know have not ever even put themselves in a position where a rape accusation would make any sense. If after that you insist on being scared of some sort of boogeyman rape

Except that it DOES happen. And an accusation doesn’t mean guilty. This urge to always believe and support the woman regardless of proof, is inherently unfair and wrong. I have sweet and oblivious 13 year old son (and a daughter, btw). I’m terrified that he could one day be at the mercy of any accusation--because as a

one the keys to understanding how president circus peanut deals with people that he has contracted, is that he treats their goods and services like a normal person treats tipping at a restaurant - if he feels as though the level of service he demands has fallen flat, he does a little song and dance and simply pays

“Even as Mr. Trump’s advisers publicly backed him on Tuesday and praised his debate performance, they were privately awash in second-guessing about why he stopped attacking Mrs. Clinton on trade and character issues and instead grew erratic, impatient and subdued as the night went on.”