Just Say No

What’s kind of funny is that his answer in the second debate about what he admired most about Hillary (that she’s a fighter and doesn’t quit) was obviously what he wished people would say about him.

Note that she specifically says she will write in her mother’s name if Hillary is ahead 6 points in her state. If it’s 50/50, she says she is undecided, but it sounds like she probably would vote for Clinton because she doesn’t think she could do something to help Trump win (i.e., not vote for the only person who

Exactly. Her party created Trump, whether she wants to admit it or not. Pence is no prize, he’s just better behaved in public.

Wait are you saying it’s *more* plausible that 7+ women were found and paid by the Clinton campaign to accuse Trump? In like, 4 days since he was on tape saying he sexually assaults women? And that the picked a People magazine reporter from 10 years ago and her editor? That they found a passenger on a flight he was

you really have no idea, do you?

Playing my rape victim card: I’ve been raped by a stranger in an alley. I’ve also had my boob grabbed by a guy in an elevator who was trying to hit on me, and a guy in a meeting touch my leg under the table, and a crazy homeless guy grab my crotch. I’m never going to tell you that being raped was better than those

Eve Online is the best game I never want to play.

The kicker is the most volatile position in terms of job security. there’s no loyalty to kickers, and I don’t think there should be any shame in a kicker feeling more camaraderie with another kicker instead of their own team

And lets not forget, Lambo was perfect in the game. Every kickoff was a touchback, every extra point and FG that he actually got a chance to kick was made.

Looks like this week it will be the Bills quarterback who takes a knee.

In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.

“There are members of Congress, current and former, who have rubbed up against women and who have put their tongues in their mouths uninvited.”

Mark Cuban was on Bill Maher last night and he said that if Trump were such a great businessman, there’d be folks everywhere talking about how their investment in him made them money or they got rich thanks to him. And there not only hasn’t been any other those types of stories - many of the opposite have been

The best thing that has come out of this is how fucked Ted Cruz is going to be. If he had held out for two more weeks he could be standing with Lindsey Graham, smiling and saying “I told you so.” Instead he caved, and now he either has to stew in this mess or revoke his endorsement and look chickenshit. It makes me so

John McCain, who didn’t think personal insults or an all-out attack on a Gold Star family were reasons not to support Trump, pulled his endorsement. Something is definitely different here.

No, I think it’s just the depth of his depravity that’s astounding. Almost everyone by this point knew he was an ass, a racist, a misogynist - but even the most horrible person usually has some sort of redeeming features.

It’s a distinct possibility. This kind of stuff really, really does not play well in Utah. There’s a reason all of those folks rushed to repudiate him over this, because they know their supporters will remember where they stood on it.

Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

So, so many people, esp GOPers think if they don’t see it firsthand it doesn’t exist. Funny they’re also religious. Ah the irony

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.