
Wow. I can't even.

Wow, I was coming to post this exact thing. Either these people never gift, or they once gave me some cheap, random thing they bought at a gas station. Yes, that stained finger puppet was whimsical and awesome. I will just think of that on every subsequent birthday and holiday ever, with warm thoughts in my heart.

This thread is strangely candle-positive. Does no one else find candles (other than a few emergency ones for power outages) completely pointless, and scented ones particularly foul? I have to work extra hard to find things like dish soap and detergent in unscented, so why would I want some smelly candle? Candle

I hear you. I get kitchen gadgets from my brother and sister in law...every single year. It's getting beyond ridiculous; how many (expensive!) citrus juicers, Brie bakers, spice kits, ad nauseum, does one person need? I kind of dread it, because we have storage issues as it is, and I'm a struggling minimalist.

Aww...you're friend sounds awesome!

Well, it's not as though an Incredibly Shrinking Nose is a natural part of aging. In my case, I wish it was...but alas.

I wouldn't have objected to this article had the author posed it as a thought experiment. Speculation can lead to interesting discussions; I'd have gladly read it, regardless of my disagreement. But why try to build a whole cultural phenomenon around 2 individual cases tenuously linked to a sociological theory? The

CTS was also in Revenge of the Nerds 2! For some reason that movie was in heavy rotation on my local cable channel when I was a teen, so I've seen it dozens of times. She was a total darling in that movie.

Seeing as the title of this post is "I donated my eggs for $4500", I wonder why you are splitting hairs. This is the term commonky used when people sell their sperm or eggs.

He'd definitely be a more tortured, broody Bond (like Daniel Craig) than a cocky, old school Bond. But cross wiley and smooth Stringer Bell with tortured genius Luther and you could have a compelling (turn-our-knees-to-jello), vodka swilling (not beer drinking!) character Bond, no?

YES, this. I've always suspected that the "says crazy shit only to stir up controversy" troll is far less common than what you described. I work with the public, and it never ceases to amaze me when seemingly normal people "slip" and reveal a truly ugly part of themselves. I don't want to be a misanthrope; when this

Ugh...Kelly Cutrone. Throw a shitfit for employees doing their job? On the one hand, they are trying to HELP you, looking for a missed tag in your items. Feel like setting off the security system in every store you go into today? Kind of annoying, no? Not only do cashiers miss detaching security tags all the time

Yes! With a cornflower blue pedicure - adorable!

You beat me to it! I was all, is it Chanel? Dior? Tom Ford? Inquiring minds and all that.

Sufferers of depression have no choice in the matter, either.

But since "amount" can refer to a numerical quantity (it is used mathematically to describe sums/measures), shouldn't "infinite" be able to describe it? I am not a grammar wizard, so I'm curious.

I just wanted to thank you all for contributing with your comments. The last thing I was expecting when reading this post was to take away a conviction to exhibit MORE compassion and empathy for strangers.

Jesus, that sounds horrible. I hope you favored the airline(s) with a scathing letter. Not that that makes anything better (unless writing it was therapeutic), but they really need to be held accountable for treating people with special needs with resentful carelessness. Sounds like they failed at ALL levels.

Puppy hugging cures all!

Ugh, I just checked it out. That thread was brutal. "My pet likes getting stoned. You're an idiot!" etc, etc. The whole lack of consent issue just couldn't penetrate, never mind the idea that pot might affect pet physiognomy differently from how it affects humans. Is it always like that over there?