Wow, what a useful contribution to the discussion.
Wow, what a useful contribution to the discussion.
There is something so inexplicably fabulous about those Kate Moss and George Michael pictures. I. Just. LOVE. Am doing a full on Edina drool. Fabulous, darlings!
I'd be pissed off about getting kicked off a train, too.
I appreciate your point. And props for seeing a customer service opportunity! (I hope you work with the public; it's a gift.)
Or...maybe it was a poorly designed dress? Just throwing that out there.
No, I think your interpretation has merit. I've been mulling it over, and there is definitely something there.
I admire you for this. It is impossible for me to forget about any red wine in my house.
Many great pieces; horrible, horrible styling. I just want to strip off all the hats, jewelry and scarves and start fresh with these gorgeous clothes.
Whoa, there. I didn't read the post that way at all. I think it was just trying to explain how some people find their way to meth, as a response to all the posters who couldn't imagine why anyone would ever try it. Humanizing the experience isn't automatically justifying it. If anything, it is a call to…
Oh dear goodness, please yes. This was just strange and embarrassing.
The hemline would be more flattering if it ended just below the knee. And the back is just...awkward. More coverage and smoother lines for the back and sides would keep the focus where it rightfully belongs: on that glorious cleavage.
Look forward to many fashion editorials about BOLD COLOR BLOCKING - Totally Not Tacky!
I think engaging Cosmo readers in discussion about reproductive rights in the US is brilliant. I look forward to seeing how she goes about it; I hope for coverage and reactions on Jez!
Your point is valid and relevant. However, one might gently suggest looking for sexual discussion and instruction elsewhere.
Ok, I was with them until the final credits. Super cheesy? Sure. But many working actors make their rent on corporate sponsored crap like this. Using head office employees to make your video changes things. Not only are actors going hungry, but real people will be embarrassed by this till their dying day. NOT…
I don't know; this article was already about despair and futility. Wouldn't starting arguments with convention attendees just made things worse? As written, I already needed a drink to shake the sad.
Maybe you should just read the headlines on the sidebar then?
It's so hard to find the perfect red; not only in color but in finish. I fell in love with Garconne from the Guerlain Rouge G line, but unfortunately glossy brights end up all over my face and teeth. NOT FAIR. I've learned to love mattes, although some people can't wear them due to their lip-thrashing properties. …
Hmm...looks too matte to be Dragon, although it might just be the picture. I get a similar look using MAC Ruby Woo, but I'm very cool toned and fair (it pulls pink on some people). You might try something from the Lipstick Queen Sinners line; Red maybe, depending on your undertones.
I also experienced a critical lack of communication when I borrowed my friend's bike one day in middle school. I was in a crazy hurry to make an appointment with a teacher, and said friend stopped me long enough to say "Here, borrow my bike!". Not, mind you, "The brakes don't work!". That's how his generous gesture…