
Would pay good money to know why I experience neck and right-shoulder pain after driving for a couple hours.

So shipping works out to $117 U.S. Um....

Phhbbllltt. I don't care if it's shot on a Flip Video. Give me a great story coupled with characters I care about. Nothing else matters.

Awesome. This guy gets to be the first one into the time machine so he can right *everything* that's wrong with Eps I-III.

I'd say the tragic flaw is that mammoth bezel.

I dig it, too. And I don't see any "ad e-mails" in the Promo tab.

Could not agree more. Which is why I've never subscribed and never will.

Ironically, that's the maximum price I would pay for one. Hi-yo!

All I need is one 3D printer that can make other 3D printers and I'm set for life...

98 percent.

Agree 1,000 percent. Enough of this. Something has to change. Too many innocents continue to die at the hands of too many lunatics.

If this is anything like the soap-opera effect common in new TVs, and it sure sounds like it is, I'll be sticking with 24 fps, thanks. Wow, do I despise that look.

Nowhere to be found on Cuusoo that I can see. How about a direct link, please?

Spot-on advice. My worst habit is eating in front of the TV.

Why so serious?

Aw, shucks, you still remember me? :)

I'll take "creepy" over a deadly car wreck any day of the week.

I own both. Use Roku 90% of the time. The Apple TV is primarily for beaming photos and videos from my iPhone to the TV.

Methinks you protest too much. I'm looking at the press release, and it's no more over-the-top than any other . It's the PR department's job to sell the product in an already crowded field. Are you really that bent out of shape about a little hyperbole? Why not wait until you've actually tried it before passing

$600-700?! Not in this lifetime.