
Same. I get they want to keep the pace up, but this is a very human story and it would benefit the series to highlight each of the members as people and not just as one symbolic group.

Yeah, the hardest thing about the series is that the plot has been so much at the forefront that they haven't given use time to get to know most of the kids. This was a much needed break from the plot.

I think you're gonna love it. It's angst, but totally earned angst. Burns so goooood.

Me too. This issue was a different artist than they've had for 1-3, but I really hope 4's art team comes back for other Riko-focused stories. It was just stunning.

Highly recommend the first arc in Gotham Academy. For … reasons. <.< >.> <.<

Well, I just looked up his twitter and he retweeted this article, so…. :)

I think maybe one or two episodes really pushed the parody (with his wife and kids acting particularly Huxtable-esque) but yeah, it's weird how even when you see him wearing the Cosby sweaters it doesn't really click, like Hibbert's taken on an individual identity well beyond the parody.

The problem I've had with the new 52 is that because they started everyone kind of in the middle of their hero life, we get TOLD a lot of the dynamics but not SHOWN it. So as an example we get told for instance that Tim Drake and Jason Todd are actually pretty good friends in this universe .. but no explanation of how

You get a pass for including the 30 Rock clip. :P

Well, with the new 52 we don't really know… because they just kind of give us vague details of what happened before the comics began. And yes, that is very annoying and often the timelines don't make sense.

Realize that part of third wave feminism is that women can enjoy feminine things. Barbara's femininity is part of her character - it's not the only part, but it is part of it. So it's not really about writing "a person who just happens to be female." It's about writing women and seeing women as people.

Look, all we saw in this preview is Babs moving into a new place, her unwinding at a party, her kissing a guy and then going out for coffee the next morning … while also stopping a thief even though she was hung over and probably could have given herself an out because she felt like crap. How is that in any way

What do you think feminism is, exactly? Because dismissing younger women (teens or college age, since you know, girls in college are allowed to still be young and do stuff like TEXTING) is kind of NOT feminist. I'm tired of people acting like Barbara being around other young women, having fun and still working on her

Oh yeah, a ditzy college student who is getting her masters. Of course.

Her origin story (although it's changed through different continuity) is that she wanted to study to be a cop and her dad wouldn't let her. Depending on the continuity you're reading, she took on the bat costume in different ways, but the basic idea is that unlike Batman and Robin who both started from a place of

And it gives real life jerks who know better than to be jerks an excuse for being jerks because "Oh I'm socially awkward." Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of that trope either.

What I will say for the whole Giffany thing is that it's made pretty clear that what a lot of what guys believe about how relationships should be (about how easy they should be) is seen through the gameplay. Namely, that guys who feel entitled to women see "winning" a relationship as a click the right answer, say the

Another episode I see as a Dipper/Wendy episode is "Boyz Crazy," even though it's the B story. But mostly I liked that while the end of a bad relationship was technically a good thing for Wendy, Dipper went about it for super selfish reasons and was completely called out on it when he clearly assumed he would be

One of the few jokes that will make me crack up if I even think of the line is "No, mother! That's just the Northern Lights!"

I rewatched the episode and I hadn't realized that the three other guys weren't in on Bronconius' tricking Tina, which makes it nice because they were genuinely laughing at her jokes and being nice to her. The problem was when Bronconius told them what he did and they just went along with it … which is kind of the