
I just rewatched the episode and actually caught that line. It's like everything I hate about the fan vs. fangirls terminology turned on its head. I LOVE THIS SHOW!

With something as subjective as humor, to say that a 22 minute episode of a comedy LITERALLY didn't have a funny line in it is pretty damn hyperbolic.

I suggest keeping an open mind when watching it. There are certainly lesser episodes (and the first half of the first season took some time to get the pacing and characters right), but I really do think it's one of the better comedies of the past decade.

Also I was going to point out Simply Irresistible for the bakery trope, but now that I think about it I THINK it was an actual restaurant. Although Sarah Michelle Gellar did bake IN the movie. And then immediately had sex, if I remember.

I used to watch old Doris Day comedies with my mom when I was kid and the one that always stuck out to me was Advertising Person. Either the artists or the writer or the jingle maker.

I feel like that last description is 3/4s of the entirety of the 90s. Except maybe a Bill Clinton joke.

My favorite moment of the last episode was Jeff thanking his old frienemy for ruining his career. It was a lovely way to bring it around to the beginning of the show and it really demonstrates how far Jeff has come as a character. I was really moved.

Like a LOT of theories, objectivism works in REALLY small doses. Actually, Rand's one novella is a much easier pill to swallow because it's about a 1984-esque society where no one is an individual and one man learns how to think for himself and rise above the mediocre, etc. But Atlas Shrugged? … Yeah, not so much.