Asshole Formerly Known as Pablo Pistoffo

The ideas that Truvada for PreP is 99% effective when taken as directed and that Truvada for PreP can have serious side effects are not mutually exclusive, and both seem to be true. The makers of Truvada have spared no expense marketing their drug, in some cases, dressed up as “public awareness” and “outreach” even

OK, so this is an actual feature that comes included with many of my Parkinson’s patients: Parkinson’s disease dementia. They are in denial or unaware of their mental and physical limitations and they habitually try to do too much. Nurses have to round on them more often and put bed alarms to make sure they don’t have

My dad had several medical events while driving in the last years of his life that he managed to hide from everybody. When I’d see him his car would have new dents and dings that he’d be unable (or unwilling) to explain.

A friend of mine got rear ended by a 104 year old man who died at the wheel. He was at a red light, and when the man hit him his car was pushed into the intersection where 2 or 3 other cars hit him. Massive accident.

For them it’s neither here nor there. They’re pretty much waiting to die at that point and be damned who they take out with them. 

What a frustrating experience, but glad you tried your best to help and a be a good citizen.

My first thought was the traditional Florida brake/accelerator dysmorphia.  Usually they only go a few feet into a plate glass window but plenty of room to build up launch velocity here.  

the dispatcher said that “since there was a non-drug or alcohol explanation”, she wasn’t going to send anyone.

Doesn’t her doctor have an obligation to report that she is unfit to drive?

When my grandmother got to be about 80, she would call every once in a while to tell us that something was wrong with her car. She’d just be driving along, and it would just randomly pop up on the curb.

I practially lived on SAABnet 20 years ago.

“the dispatcher said that “since there was a non-drug or alcohol explanation”, she wasn’t going to send anyone.”

All the olds that live in suburbia and exurbia are walking/driving death traps as they age in place in their big houses where nothing is walkable and there is no transit. Its already a major issue and its only going to get worse. 

Hot take: I don’t think “not after you see a client” is unreasonable at all.

I like directional wheels when done properly, meaning left and right wheels are different so they all “roll the same way”. There have been a few cars in the past that had these but it increases production costs so it’s not the norm.

some really nice wheels

I don’t think the driver of the Subaru ever saw the Italian Job. And I’m damn sure she didn’t see the trailer.

He’s too distracted by Tatas.

Please tell me that “vent” was on purpose... because I’m laughing my ass off.