
Everyone in this family is very, very strange.

I’m sorry... whips? What about slaps?

Remember when two hot chicks kissing was the most exciting thing to happen to those with 12-year-old mentalities? Man-children today, pathetic. 

It’s tabloid journalism. Write something sensational, especially if it’s a personal attack, and reap the attention.

As a die hard fallout fan from when the original game was released all the way to today I have to say guys, look, the originals are just not very playable. There are great games there, but they’re so hampered by an incredibly frustrating and tedious UI. They are just not fun to play at all. With a proper ‘glow-up’,

So there’s just an anonymous quote that says he’s been obsessed with her.... and that’s it? And the fact his special is in Baltimore? That’s all you have?

What is stunting?

Wow my interest in this game just went to zero. I’m all for open world games when they work and make sense. But why does this game need to be a live service title? Ugh. Whenever something is ‘live service’ I know it’s not for me. I get into a game for a bit, put in a dozen hours or so and move on. Live service games

I think it’s kind of sad that she feels she has to do whatever she’s doing to her face. Also, she’s a gazillionaire. None of them need our sympathy and certainly don’t need us, including Jezebel, defending them.

Who pissed in your cereal?

As a reader and fan of the book, yes, he’s definitely supposed to have sexual tension with his mother. It’s very oedipal, on some pretty un-subtle levels.

Yeah man this game is alot of fun. It’s basically another single player Fallout game but with co-op.

This is the worst take. Trump dying before the election is absolutely a net positive for America. You can take the high road when literal mobs under the President’s command aren’t arming up to end our republic.

Honestly this is bad enough that I can say I have no intention of buying another Ubisoft product until they’ve made serious amends. That said, I haven’t been interested in their games for a long time, so this isn’t that hard for me. But now I won’t even consider one.

So vote for Trump? What?

As a father to jewish children, shit like this makes it a lot harder for me to be an ally to BLM.

Still looks like a PS2 game. Or, charitably, a phone game that got ported.

Put trans characters in the game. If there’s a character creation option, this would be perfect. Fuck Rowling.

Wait till ray-tracing matures, then we’ll have the next big leap. Lighting in games is like drawing with crayons compared to how real light behaves. Ray racing will bridge that gap.

Yeah but will it have weird ass menu music like the PS3 editions?