Jesus christ what good timing
Jesus christ what good timing
You haven’t seen a Nolan film since Memento?
Good luck, even though I felt your florid use of language muddled your writing sometimes
You guys are covering the furry scene?
Thank you! This is a bad, embarrassing movie!
It’s not a 1/10th of the game, it’s a 1/3rd. You say you’ve played FF7 a bunch but how do you keep getting this wrong? Unless you spend a hundred hours chocobo farming, the average player will spend a 1/3 of the game in midgar.
Ya know what else won’t end soon? Pointless, redundant posts like this. I’ve read this a dozen times already. We get it. These posts are just highlighting how difficult it’s going to be to create content for blogs for the next few months.
5 to 10% of the story? Jason. What the hell are you talking about? When was the last time you played FF7? It’s a 3rd of the game, at least a 4th.
FF7 is the only game in the series I’ve beaten, and done so twice. I like other entries but not enough to actually finish them.
This is such a good game
I get so choked up just hearing about these stories.
You’re yelling at the wind. Human argue, and will argue, about everything, forever.
I’m staring at Cyberpunk intensely. Please don’t delay... but do if you need to.
How to make your switch way worse
That’s Episode 3 Mon Mothma, not Rogue One
I agree with all of these except Tales. Because I’m like everyone else that’s read this and am asking, wtf are you talking about? I understand your piece on it, but that’s about Telltale, not about this game, which is largely forgettable over the course of a decade of games.
Alpha Protocol is the worst game I’ve ever desperately wanted to play. I’ve tried it so many times but it’s so uncomfortable and clumsy in the most basic gameplay mechanics. It’s awful, and I’m sorry about that, because it sounds like there’s a cool game in there, I’ll just never see it.
Spot on.
who pissed in your cereal this morning?
the first 5 months of next year are gonna be nuts