
I still don't get it. I make my own PCs, and save a bundle in the process. Why would I want one of these?

Reader eiffel65 sent in a link to the image above, which shows the Japanese version of Square Enix's role-playing game on the right, and the more subdued European version on the other right, AKA left. The clothing is less revealing, in case you missed it. Certain characters have also had their ages increased to 18

What complete a-holes. Why do people do this? It serves no purpose other than to be a pain in the ass. It's the equivalent of a grade schooler poking a kid in the back that's sitting in front of him. Pathetic.

Anime fans are weird.

You called COD:Ghosts a bust. Here comes the bickering.

Oh who gives a crap? This is so self important. As if his realization and admission to being a bully is important to/for us. Check your ego at the door, pal.

This is why the series is in tatters. It keeps marginalizing itself. They make sequel after sequel to a badly received entry, Final Fantasy 13, ignore the continued demand for more Final Fantasy 7 and 6, and now threaten to make a sequel to the most obnoxious AAA game ever made. I'm embarrassed to say I ever was a

Whaa.... oh. Troll.

I love these bizarre attempts to marginalize opinions you don't like. Sad really.

The 360 is the best console ever. Deal with it.

Wow. Freak.

I'm seriously getting bored of this ironic hipster love of the Dreamcast. It had a handful of alright games, most of which were ported to the PS2 anyway. But the controller stands alone as the most wrong design in gaming history. That coupled with it's useless modem and ridiculous memory cards really made it just a

Beyond idiotic and it's so troubling that anyone would try to do this. This will only hurt gamers and there's no way around that. Just brazen greed.

Solid choices, though I lament the continued backlash toward Bioshock Infinite. Even if this makes me tremendously uncool among my hipster gamer friends.

Troll harder.

That video is 31 minutes long. Are you kidding me?

YeahNo. That's kind of interesting, that take. And I have my problems with overly muscly Batman in the games, but let's not be needlessly contrarian. This would get annoying real quickly.

Studio of the Year is kind of an odd award... I get it, but in this context it seems almost like a runner up for Game of the Year.

This is why I play video games.

Ugh. Yeah... the man of the steel is the worst movie of the year... you can't hear the sarcasm in my voice but it's really, really obvious.