
Seriously, ahead of it's time? I'll give it credit for having a modem... and for said modem being absolutely useless. Dial up? Yeah right. It was barely usable for a Phantasy Star. The controller? Absolutely the worst ever. There is no debate about this. I'll give them credit for going all in on it too,

Awesome, Renegade had great multiplayer, easily the best part of that game. Can't wait.

Well done!

This is so sad. It really is. I feel bad for this guy. Amalur was mediocre in every aspect and he has no clue why. It's not a billion dollar franchise. It's second rate wannabe of 6 other franchises. Let it go man, let it go.

I usually scoff at this kind of stuff, but I guess that's easy for me to do since I'm a guy. But she's pretty dead on in this video. Well done.

Till the NEXT generation is started to be talked about. Or at least until this current gen doesn't have any major releases.

Lovely. This is one reason why I avoid console launches. Back in the old days, when men were men and women were chaste, (I'm kidding, I'm getting into character) you didn't have console updates. You bought a console and it worked forever with every game that came out for it.

Final Fantasy 13 was the game that killed the series for me. I was able to overlook the annoyances of 12 and 10. The obnoxious characters and ridiculous costumes. But 13 just went too far. It was too anime, and not in a good way. It was realistic but anime, which is the most unappealing thing in the world. I was

Ok family guy went here before me so I can do this without being racist, but why isn't he smiling?! Come on man! You just got a PS4 for FREE from an NFL player! That's really cool!

The third one was just kind of embarrassing. The Atlantis of the sands? Come on! Talk about grasping at straws. Yeah the characters were nice and well done, but the gameplay was getting really old, especially the gunplay, which was silly in how many men Drake could mow down.

Seriously? This is exactly the same thing, just running at a higher resolution. Which we've been able to do on PC since the dawn of the time... run things at a higher resolution.

Those exchanges rates must be killer if they still can't afford an iPod that's not 10 years old.

Build yourself an awesome blu-ray collection in one click. Amazon is offering the Best of Warner Bros. 50 Film Collection for $180, which is over $400 off the original retail price, and quite the bargain for 50 amazing films. The last time we listed this (for more), it was one of the most popular items we've ever

Yeah the ending was fantastic for The Last of Us. Pure character driven. And truly surprising. I'm sure everyone excepted Joel to die while saving Ellie, or becoming infected and Ellie having to kill Joel. Or if not that, Ellie dying and Joel really getting messed up emotionally. But all of those pale in



Lord of the Rings | Cosplayer: Amouranth | Photographer: Chris Stewart

He's so big.

Well done but I think cultural references are going to start imploding on themselves. How long is it before we have cos-players cosplaying another cosplayer? And no, I'm not the first person to suggest this.

This isn't great. And honestly, Gran Turismo 6 will be a much better buy than Forza. I say this as a fan of both franchises. GT6 will look just about as good as Forza, and you can't argue with that. Launch titles are often a bit of a mess, while the last of the previous gen are typically gorgeous as they've long