
What about evidence that Watch Dogs isn’t an abandoned franchise? Any of that around?

Try to be whinier in your next post, Nathan.

You guys give the Melee scene a hugely disproportionate amount of attention. It’s super niche but you treat it like it’s as big as DOTA or League, which I also don’t give a shit about. It’s interesting, yes, as a one off. But you guys cover it like a national pastime. And I’d rather see your time spent on more

Wait, no one has explained to me yet why Kylie is a thing?

Is anything worse than straight white men?

This is one of those cases where irony replaced actual objectiveness in regards to its quality. I feel like because it was deemed this underdog next to Overwatch it got a lot more attention and affection than it deserved. Games should do a lot more these days to stand out. Gearbox needs to up their game, Borderlands 2

I think the headline should be- 4 out of 5 Quake creators agree Tim Willits is full of shit.

This short would be almost worth watching if it wasn’t for that song. I’m kind of flabbergasted that it’s still being used like this. It’s such a cliche and has been for years.

Turbine did this? Oh how far they’ve fallen...

Gotta give them a lot of credit. They’re delivering. Slowly, but they’re doing it. I hope they keep doing it. This game still has massive potential.

I thought it was thrilling. I guess you can complain about Starbuck, but the entire battle and then escape to Earth, come on, that was fantastic! At least it didn’t end with a fist fight on cliff.

Meh. I’ll take the remaster. This is just nostalgia clouding objectivity.

This is accurate

This is accurate

I’d be way more excited if this wasn’t Assassin’s Creed. Nothing against the series, but I’m like, damn, there’s all this fucking lore and all these old systems that they’re married too with this series. Just let it be it’s own thing. It’ll be better for it.

Oh man cannont wait! New Order is the best FPS since Half-Life 2, imo. So happy to see the phenomenal writing is back and incredible supporting cast will be expanded. That was a standout feature of the first game. A quality cast really makes a story come to life and video games just do not seem to get that. So many

This makes Andromeda seems even more shitty. But I really, really hope Bioware can bring something bold and new to the formula and not just make a Destiny wannabe. I want the next big thing.

This with us or against us is fucking dumb, man. This militant bullshit needs to stop, it’s becoming a joke.

I do not agree with your taste in anything. To each their own.

His Solidus is incredible. One of the greatest gaming villains ever.

Great pick! Awesome game.