
Ok my immediately reaction was negative. But after viewing the movie I'm on board. I'm convinced that with the facial capture and Keifer acting cops (and it seems like he really is into this too, bonus points) that this will turn out really well. I like Hayter, I love Hayter as snake. But it's clear they going for

I still think Hayter will be playing Solid Snake in the game, with Keifer as his dad/big boss. It makes alot of sense. I'd be honestly very surprised if Hayter didn't have some part in this game.

So what happens when you don't connect to the internet within 24 hours? Is your console bricked? In the past 2 years I've lost power at my house for days on end thanks to hurricanes and snow storms (New England represent!) at least 4 times. What the hell am I supposed to do?

Oh come on! Ugh. Give me Hayter any day

For the love of god Square... I HATED FF13. Everything about it grated me. My favorite FF games are 6, 7, 8 and 12 to a lesser extent. FF13 is just so tacky and cliched. So over the top anime-ish with it's silly ass costumes and characters. There is just nothing for me to enjoy about it. For the love of god

I want to get this. But I'll wait till it goes on sale on Steam for half off. Got too many other games to play, or replay, at the moment.

This is certainly more impressive than that misguided and useless Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.

Wait, 520 is ONLY 18% of the staff?? Jesus that's a big company. Incredibly big for a company that young.

I guess with a certain mentality this can be a problem. Personally I really, really like achievements. They give you something extra to strive for once you've beaten the game. Also they can highlight aspects of the design you might have missed. MGS4 has great achievements because they show you all the depth of the

Seriously?? Is this article serious? This is PATHETIC! What are your complaints? That you felt a little ostracized because you were a contract employee? That the company was poorly managed? So what. Where are the horror stories? These are minor criticisms that people level at all their jobs. I kept waiting

Detest Carth? What? What can you detest about Carth Onasi? He's one of my favorite characters from any Bioware game.

I hate Joe with a passion. Mostly because I'm a conservative and he offends me by claiming to be one. Being a twenty something does suck by and large because his shitty generation screwed it up for us. First the so-called greatest generation gave Joe and his peers a beautiful, powerful country (with some issues)

FF7. There's a reason its the most popular in the series.

Please don't put up with it. Please leave and make room for someone who will gladly put up with it. I hate people with dream jobs that aren't grateful. There are plenty of others just barely getting by, hoping for a shot at a job like that. Please, please quit.

Sounds awesome. And come on people, aren't we past all this "oh it's realistic, so it's bad" nonsense. A killer is a killer. Games don't make you that way. Just the same as owning a gun doesn't make you more prone to be a murderer.

A more human Batman would be an improvement. I love the last two Batman games, they were a dream come true. But let's get beyond those and make Batman more vulnerable and relatable. That's what sold me on Nathan Drake. I felt like I could be that guy, outrageous climbing ability aside. With Batman I don't feel

Ugly green color

Jesus Christ, Owen. At least pretend not to be a complete tool of the left with this nonsensical Fox bashing. It's obvious you just see clips of the network taken wildly out of context on The Daily Show or Colbert Report. Of course Fox News has done some bad reporting, but every single bit of research into fairness

This will change. There will be an update to the system within the first year of release that will do away with this 24 hour thing. Absolutely going to happen.

There have been much longer console generations. Get over it. This won't be the last. VCRs didn't end movie theaters or destroy movie studios. You can't play a console game properly on a phone or tablet. It's the not the same experience and clearly people want that experience. Seriously, get a grip.