
So what you’re saying is that Haiti has higher standards for presidential candidates than the US?

I enjoy Elizabeth’s pieces because the language is generally well-constructed. I called her out on that sentence because it was weak. And called her out on lack of details. You want I should excoriate her? I prefer to encourage as I tend toward the positive.

America is full of morons

prince harry turn up at winsdor in a Merc minivan, before walking the rest off the way while his bride got a ride in a Roll royce a horse drawn carriage and a Jag E Type Harry push out the boat for Meghan today.

You’re 100% correct. It was meant to be an insult to Coulter, but it is very hurtful to the trans community, not only for the comparison to Coulter, but it also implies that being/looking trans can be used an insult. We (the cis community) should be more aware of the implications of our language, even our insults.

Sadly, most of the Ann Coulter anti-trans stuff comes from the other side. Which is unfair, we trans folks don’t deserve to be compared to something you scrape off the sole of your shoe like Ann Coulter.

My Facebook reminded me this morning that Roger Ailes died a year ago to this day. Given that you’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, Sean Hannity at the time said “I wouldn’t be who I am today if not for Roger Ailes” which has to be the cruelest thing anyone has ever said about him.

those prayer rugs might have been in Ollie’s office from before, like a thank-you gift from the Ayatollah

Being white is a privilege but white privilege is a right!

Now playing

Why would they, when they could be watching this?

This is the right-wing media strategy, and it weaponizes the ignorance of their drooling hordes. They use ‘racism’ to mean any attack or criticism by a minority or liberal against them on a race-related issue to be an imputation of racism.

I had this happen with an older guy at work. He’s generally “liberal” in the way rich middle-aged/old white finance guys are — supported Hillary, horrified by Trump, and now figuring out how to make more money in Trump era and “at least we’ll get tax reform if we don’t get nuked first”.

Remember kids, it’s more offensive to call out someone’s garbage politics and shocking lack of humanity than it is to have garbage politics and a shocking lack of humanity.

9POTUS twitted (emphasis mine on TWIT) today that he thinks her employer should take disciplinary action. If that isn’t a living, mouth breathing example of exactly why we have the First Amendment, to protect citizens from government silencing their speech then I don’t know what could ever be more glaring. Oh, and add

Or, put another way, Donald Fucking Trump accused our first black president of having engaged in a criminal conspiracy to illegally seize the White House. This motherfucker.

She made a *statement of fact.*

When you get right down to it- all she did was say what the NY Times has been saying for months and what a large plurality of Americans already believe.